- <add>
- id = "standard" - Name to reference from the service configuration through the workflowId attribute.
- itemNumberAI = "01,02" - Defines the application identifiers used to identify a item when scanning a Gs1 barcode.
- <configuration> -
- prefillExpectedValueOnLocationScan = "false" - Set the expected value as the result when manual entry is selected by sliding the scan icon to the left.
- scanBehaviourWhenRegisteringQuantity = "" - Defines what to do when scanning a barcode in the quantity step in the registration collector.
- ValidateCurrentItem - Validate the scanned item against the selected order line.
- ScanNextItem - Accept the entered value, and look for a new order line to start registering values on.
- fastForwardMode
Fast forward is a feature for stepping over a step if a value is provided in either the input or scanned values. The fast forward mode determines which values can be used in the fast forward.
Scanvalues = Barcode. Inputvalues = Values transferred from context from Order Lines. Default step-values are not considered.- OnlyScanValues
- Only the values in the scan can be used for stepping over a step if the value is provided.
- InputAndScanValues
- Both the Input and scanned values can be used for stepping over a step if the value for the step is in the values. Input values are header values (filter) and properties from the selected item.
- Both the Input and scanned values can be used for stepping over a step if the value for the step is in the values. Input values are header values (filter) and properties from the selected item.
- OnlyScanValues
- <steps> - Defines the order in which data will be collected.
- <add> - Encloses the specific workflow steps.
- id = "" -Sorting parameter for setting the order of the steps.
- autoForwardAfterScan = "" - Dictates Defines whether or not a step will move to the next when a scan is performed.
- name = "" - Key string for the collected piece of data, used in the transfer to the backend. Values which are treated specially are: ExpirationDate, FromBin, LotNumber, SerialNumber, ToBin, Tote and Quantity.
- header = "" - Header text of the data collection step.
- label = "" - Description above the input field.
- helpLabel = "" - Description supporting the collection step, located below the input field.
- inputFormat = "" - Used to make sure input follows a specific pattern, defined by a regular expression. See example Validate input format in workflow step
- inputType = "" - Defines which type of input collector control will be used and what the output will be.
- Date - Pick a date by a date picker. Returns a string with the format "dd-MM-yyyy".
- DateTime - Pick a date time by a date picker and a time picker. Returns a string with the format "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss".
- Decimal - Enter a decimal value. Supported by a numeric keyboard when no physical keyboard is present. Returns a decimal.
- Image - Display an image placed on the device.
- ImageCapture - Capture images by utilizing the onboard camera. Returns a list of image file names and comments, each separated by the listSeparator. Items i the list are separated by §. <filename1><listSeparator><comment1>§<filename2><listSeparator><comment2>...
- Information - Display information.
- Integer - Enter an integer value. Supported by a numeric keyboard when no physical keyboard is present. Returns an integer.
- List - Select a value from a list. Returns the selected list value as a string.
- MultiLineText - Enter a longer description. Returns the entered string.
- MultiScan - Scan multiple values of the same nature without moving on to register a new type of value. Returns a string of values separated by the chosen listSeparator.
- QuantityByScan - Enter a quantity by scanning multiple items, incrementing by one on every successful scan. Can not be manually edited. Returns an integer.
- RadioButton - Select a value from a short list of values. Returns a string.
- Summary - Display all previously gathered values.
- Text - Enter a short text. Returns a string.
- primaryInputMethod = "Control" - Defines if the user is urged to enter values by keyboard or by scanning. Any input method can use the other by touching the scanning icon.
- Control - Initially ready for manual entry. Scanning is still supported.
- Scan -Initially ready for scanning a value. Manual entry can be done, by tapping the scan icon.
- minDate = "01-01-0001" - The first accepted date.
- minValue = "0" - The minimum value accepted.
- maxDate = "31-12-9999" - The last accepted date.
- maxValue = "int.MaxValue" - The largest value allowed.
- dataTable = "" - Reference to a table in the reference data.
- dataKeyColumn = "" - Reference to a column in the data table holding the values.
- dataDisplayColumn = "" - Reference to the column which holds the displayable values.
- linkedElement = "" - Link two steps, such that a selection on the first step is reflected on the linked step.
- filterColumn = "" - The column to use when filter down selection possibilities. Filtering is done based on the selection made in the linkedElement.
- listValues = "" - List of values defining the selectable items in a list.
- listSeparator = ";" - Used to separate values when utilizing multi scan, and to separate values from listValues.
- defaultValue = "" - Set a default value which is displayed as a guide to the user.
- If empty, the field will be selected, ready for input
- If prefillExpectedValueOnLocationScan is set to true, entering the manual entry mode the default value will be pre filled
- optional = "false" - Defines if a step will accept an empty value.
- eanAi = "" - When using a Gs1 barcode, this defines the application identifier used to get the value.
- editable = "true" - Defines if a value is editable.
- uniqueValues = "false" - Adds unique validation to the input when using multi scan.
- visible = "true" - Defines if the this collection step is visible.
- validationValues = "" - Values used to validate input in e.g. a string input field, a quantity by scan input field etc.
- validationWarningType = "" - Which action to take when validation fails.
- Warn - Ask for permission if validation fails.
- Block - Block further progress until validation is successful.
- None - Accepts whether or not a value matches the default or not
- validationCaseSensitive = "" - Is case to be taken into account when validation values.
- performCalculation = "" - Allow calculation inside input area. Validation will still occur after calculation.
- resolutionWidth = "" - The request width of an image when using ImageCapture.
- resolutionHeight = "" - The requested height of an image when using ImageCapture.
- <add> - Encloses the specific workflow steps.
- prefillExpectedValueOnLocationScan = "false" - Set the expected value as the result when manual entry is selected by sliding the scan icon to the left.