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Efter enrollement, hvor scanneren godt nok er i mobicontrol, oplever brugeren at der er hvid skærm og i toppen står der: User Action Pending, se billede nedenfor af TC20 med problemetAfter enrollement, where the scanner have been enrolled and is in Mobi control, the scanner appears with a white screen and on the top it says: User Action Pending; see a picture of a TC20 with the problem below


Gennemgå opsætning endnu en gangTo do the start up, without trying to enroll again

Følgende virkede på en The following worked on a TC20:

  1. Gå ud af lockdown menuen, som normalt. Kode:192837
  2. Tryk tilbage, indtil du møder den "normale" opstart (til enrollment) skærm, som på billedet nedenfor:
    Image Removed
  3. Tryk Leave the lockdown menu
    1. From the “Start Mobile WMS” screen do the following:

      For Android: “long press” the back button and click administrator, and select administrator use the code “192837”

      For Windows: click the menu button and select administrator use the code “192837”

  4. Press back button until you reach the screen shown below:
    Image Added
  5. Press Let's Go
  6. Vælg Choose "start as fresh, (IKKE RESET)
  7. Gennemgå opsætningen, uden at sætte koder eller lave bruger specifikke ting.
  8. Accepter license and services
  9. Den vil nu "opdatere"; den er allerede sat op jo.
  10. Du kan nu gå ind i WMS og kunden kan tjekke om de kan logge på"; OBS: Do not pick reset on any of the screens!
  11. Go through the setup, without setting any codes or creating user specific settings, just skip or next without changing anything.
  12. Then Accept license and services agreements
  13. The scanner will then "update"; what ever it says next dosn't matter as long as you are allowed to continue, since nothing will be changed as the scanner has already been setup doing the enrollment.
  14. You should now be back at the main screen, where you can pick "Mobile WMS".

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