Unpl Pos Adjust(3/12) - Change application.cfg

Unpl Pos Adjust(3/12) - Change application.cfg

Backup your files before makes changes!

In production scenario: Changes to "Application.cfg" should always be sent to our Service desk to get included in our version control and pushed to all the customers mobile devices.

Changing Mobile configuration

We highly recommend usisng Visual Studio or VS Code because these can be set up to use our XSD Schema with included Help

See more: Setup schema files for XML in Visual Studio

Step 1

Copy \sdcard\MobileWMS\Configuration\application.cfg to local drive to be able to change the file.

In <Images> section, add a new line for the new image "mainmenupositiveadjustment.png":


<image id="mainmenupositiveadjustment" fileName="mainmenupositiveadjustment.png"/>

Step 2

  In <menuConfiguration><menuItems> add a new menuitem for postive adjustments. We this example we reuse displayName from negative adjustments, but new menuitem must have a new (unique) id.

<menuItem id="PosAdjustQty" displayName="@{MainMenuAdjustQuantity}" icon="mainmenupositiveadjustment"/>

Step 3

Copy existing page id="AdjustQty" to new page PosAdJustQty, change "id", "icon" and (Registration)"type".


	<page id="PosAdjustQty" type="UnplannedItemRegistration" icon="mainmenupositiveadjustment">
      <title defaultValue="@{PageAdjustQuantityTitle}"/>
      <unplannedItemRegistrationConfiguration type="PosAdjustQuantity">
        <header configurationKey="AdjustQuantityHeader"/>

Step 4

Upload your modified application.cfg to the mobile device.

The new page is now defined for the mobile device, but is not yet associated with any Mobile User Group in Business Central. We will address this later.


Unpl Pos Adjust(4/12) - Understanding changes to application.cfg