Install Guide - AX2012

Install Guide - AX2012


Install Guide

Applicable to Dynamics AX2012 version 3.13 or older.


To enable the handheld clients to be able to access the Tasklet Factory WMS service, it is necessary to grant the client access to this service. The following describes how to install and configure this access in Microsoft AX.


Install XPO Process

Important: If multiple environments are hosted on the same server, you must make sure that you target the environment you expect.


The top level steps in the process are:

  1. It is a best practice to stop the AOS(s) before importing the model.

    1. Use the "Online Users" screen in AX to determine if you are alone on the server.

  2. Open the Application Object Tree (AOT): You can do this from its icon on the toolbar.

  3. Import the "Tasklet Factory Mobile WMS" XPO file: Click the import icon on the AOT menu bar.

  4. Browse for the XPO file: In the Import dialog box, click Browse.

  5. Clear the ‘Import with ID values’ option: In the Import dialog box, make sure that the option ‘Import with ID values’ is cleared.

    1. Before import begins, you can choose to compare vs. older version of Mobile WMS.

  6. Start the import: Click OK.

    1. Import the model in the VAR layer and push any conflicts into a new model in the VAP (the patch layer for VAR)

    2. It is expected that the menu will conflict.

  7. Confirm the import: In the Import message box, click ‘Yes to all’ when you are prompted to continue the import.

  8. Restart AOS(s)


Correction for Dynamics AX2012R3 CU8 or Newer

A method in AX must be changed if you are running CU8 or newer.

Class: InventTransWMS_Register
Method: getDateInvent(…)

If the method signature looks like [ public static TransDate getDateInvent(Common _record) ]
It must be changed to [ public static client server TransDate getDateInvent(Common _record) ]


Recompile AX Application

Do a full recompilation + CIL compilation + DB synchronization

Since AX2012R2 CU7 it has been possible to recompile the AX application in multiple threads. This will reduce the compile time from hours to minutes.

The expected multi threaded compile time is about 10-15 minutes.

See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn528954.aspx for details.

The CIL compilation still needs to be performed from the AX client.
The DB synchronization is also performed from the AX client.

Setting up Dynamics AX

This section describes the tasks that are performed once per AX installation.

Add Mobile WMS Menu

Start Dynamics AX, open the development environment. In the AOT, open the “Menus” node.

Find the “Main menu”.

Drag the menu “Mob” into the “Main menu”.

Save the changes.


Deploy Service Group

Unfold the “Service Groups” node.

Find the “MobService”, right-click and choose “Deploy Service group”.

This will do two things.

  1. Create a “Service operation” called “MobDocumentService.submit”.

  2. Create an “Inbound port” called “MobDocumentService”.
    This port cannot be used, because it has a wrong adapter type.
    So it must be replaced.


Verify Web Site

Open the “System administrator” menu.

Verify website is created (this is done as a part of AIF installation).

Open “Setup / Service and Application Integration Framework / Web sites” menu.

Click “Validate”, and verify the “Info-log” that there is no errors.



If you create your own website, remember “Virtual directory share path” and “URL” must not end with a “/” nor “\”.

Setup "Inbound Port"

Open “Setup / Service and Application Integration Framework / Inbound ports”

Find the “MobService”, deactivate and delete it.

Create a new “Inbound port”:

  • Port name “MobileDocumentService”

  • Adapter “HTTP”

  • URI Select the preferred one.

  • Expose service operations “MobDocumentService.submit”

  • Process requests in parallel Checked

  • Validate document XML Unchecked

  • Replace existing documents on create Checked


Save the “Inbound port”. Do not activate just yet. First we need to configure the adapter.


Click the “Configure” at adapter “HTTP”.

Change the buffer size for Bindings:

  • “basicHttpBindingWithWindowsAuth”

    • “MaxBufferSize”

    • “MaxReceivedMessageSize”

  • “wsHttpBindingWithWindowsAuth”

    • “MaxBufferSize”

must be corrected to be suffient enough.

Default it is 64Kb, adding two zeros “00” – should make it large enough.


Close the editor and click “Yes” to save the changes.


Back in “Inbound ports”, click “Activate” and verify the “Info-log” that there is no errors.


User Roles

User Roles




Solving Installation Problems

These problems are commonly seen.


Possible cause / How to solve


Possible cause / How to solve

The Mobile WMS client can connect to the service (get an error of result is not in “text/xml” format)

The AIF/Webservice is not running, or the app.config does not point to it. (An error message from IIS is not in “text/xml” format).
In AX find the “Inbound port” (MobileDocumentService) – if it is possible to web-browse the address.

If not – try to disable/delete the “Inbound port” and create it again. See “Setup Inbound port”.

If yes – start web-browser on mobile device and verify the address works.

Mobile WMS device connectes – but nothing happens

Check the app.config points to a correct company in AX.
(Check //configuration/serviceSettings/services/add (login service)/ endpoints/add)

The Mobile WMS – can connect. (resolve host)

Check the app.config file – the address is wrong or the device can’t access the address.

Menu is empty

The user is allowed to login – but is not assigned to a user group with any menu setup.

Check that the table ‘MobDocumentAccessRights’ is empty.

Pick/Receive is choosen – but nothing is shown

Check if the Warehouse dropdown – shows any warehouses – the user (group) is not assigned any warehouses.