Create an Unplanned Function
- Johannes Sebastian Nielsen
With this article you will create a page (Unplanned Function) that can make a simple registration optinally followed by a number of collector Steps.
Use cases
- You want to register a single value in the Header
- You want to register a single value in the Header and based on the value, a number of subsequent values as Steps
Defining the page in Application.cfg
Step 1: Unplanned functions are called "Unplanned Item Registration"
Below is sample code for an Unplanned Item Registration called "MyItemReg".
<page id="MyItemReg" type="UnplannedItemRegistration" icon="mainmenuscaninfo"> <title defaultValue="Titel"/> <unplannedItemRegistrationConfiguration type="MyItemReg" includeInputDataRowInSubmitRequest="true" useRegistrationCollector="true"> <header configurationKey="MyItemReg" clearAfterPost="true" automaticAcceptOnOpen="true" automaticAcceptAfterLastScan="true"/> <onSuccessfulPost close="true" /> </unplannedItemRegistrationConfiguration> </page>
For simplicity the Page id, Registration and Header -keys are all named "MyItemReg".
- Page id unique page name
- Registration key is how the back-end will identify the Unplanned Item Registration (including the Collector Steps)
- Header key is how the back-end will identify the Input fields shown on the top of the page.
- See Header
If you do not want to collect steps you must set useRegistrationCollector="false". And you can skip step 4.
Step 2: Add the main menu items
<!-- PAGES --> <pages> <page id="MainMenu" type="Menu" icon="icon"> <title defaultValue="Mobile WMS" /> <menuConfiguration> <menuItems> ... <menuItem id="MyItemReg" displayName="MyItemReg" icon="mainmenuscaninfo" alwaysEnabled="true"/>
Handling the back-end
Step 3: Defining Header fields
This will define the field(s) displayed on the top of the page.
For simplicity we will only have a field called "ID".
This is defined in Codeunit "MOB WMS Reference Data"
'MyLookup','MyItemReg': MyLookupAndMyItemReg(XMLCDataSection);
MyLookupAndMyItemReg(VAR XmlCDataSection : DotNet "System.Xml.XmlCDataSection") // Used for Custom05UnplannedItemReg AddConfHeaderTextValue(XmlCDataSection, 1, //id 'ID', //name 'Enter ID:', //label 100, //label width TRUE, //clear on clear TRUE, //accept barcode 20, //length TRUE, //optional '', //search type '', //eanAi FALSE); //locked
Step 4: Defining the "Steps" to collect (optionel)
This is the code that will return the list of results and entries that you require.
When the header is accepted a new request is made for which Steps to collect, called "GetRegistrationConfiguration".
In this step you must read the values header fields and define the subsequent steps.
This is defined in Codeunit "MOB WMS Adhoc Regstr."
'MyItemReg': BEGIN MyItemReg(XMLRequestDoc); END;
LOCAL MyItemReg(XMLRequestDoc : DotNet "System.Xml.XmlDocument") // Extract any parameters from the XML // The parameters are located in the <requestData> element // The Unplanned Move feature expects 2 header values // Location and Item MobXMLMgt.GetDocRootNode(XMLRequestDoc, XMLRequestNode); MobXMLMgt.FindNode(XMLRequestNode,MobWMSToolbox."CONST::requestData",XMLRequestDataNode); // -- Now find the "ID"-attribute MobXMLMgt.FindNode(XMLRequestDataNode,'ID',XMLParameterNode); // Initialize the response xml MobBaseToolbox.InitializeRespDocWithoutNS(XMLResultDoc,XMLResponseData); // Add the <registrationCollectorConfiguration> element MobXMLMgt.AddElement(XMLResponseData,'registrationCollectorConfiguration','', MobXMLMgt.GetDocNSURI(XMLResultDoc), XMLRegCollectorConfiguration); // Add the <steps> element to the <registrationCollectorConfiguration> MobXMLMgt.AddElement(XMLRegCollectorConfiguration,'steps','',MobXMLMgt.GetDocNSURI(XMLResultDoc),XMLSteps); // Add the steps MobConfTools.RC_Std_Parms(1, 'SomeText', 'Collecting some text', '', 'Please enter some text'); MobConfTools.RC_Text_XmlNode(XMLSteps, '', 20);
This will produce one collector step.
Asking for a text value.
Step 5: Handling the "posting" of Unplanned Item Registration
This code read the collected data and posts it.
If this code makes changes to the data the Lookup uses, you will see the result of the posting when the returning to the Lookup.
This is defined in Codeunit "MOB WMS Adhoc Regstr."
'MyItemReg': BEGIN Status := PostMyItemReg(XMLRequestDoc); MobBaseToolbox.CreateSimpleResponse(XMLResultDoc,Status); END;
Create function "PostMyItemReg" by copying an existing posting function.
- Modify the new function to read the "ID" and "SomeText" values.
Main menu with "MyItemReg" icon
The Unplanned Function with header and field