Use this event to
Handle collected values from a single Registration for a Sales Return Line.
When migrating code from older MOB versions, this event is the most direct 1:1 comparison to existing in-line customizations.
If your code is not specific for Sales Order Lines consider using the OnPostReceiveOrder_OnHandleRegistrationForAnyLine event.
This event is used to handle collected "line" level steps and is executed once for each individual Mobile WMS Registration.
Examples of use could be:
- Write collected values to new or existing fields in the database that subsequently can be accessed from standard posting function events.
- Validate collected values against live data since registration at the mobile device is mostly conducted offline.
- But not to process "header" level steps. Steps added via OnAddStepsToAnyHeader[...] is better handled via OnPostReceiveOrder_OnBeforePost...-events.
When is data committed
Note: The "Sales-Post"-codeunit includes commits in standard code that is not always correctly suppressed for Sales Return Orders, even if SalesPost.SetSuppressCommit(true); is set. This needs to be taken into account and tested carefully before relying on SalesPost rollback for your custom code for Sales Return Orders.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnPostReceiveOrder_OnHandleRegistrationForSalesReturnLine', '', true, true)]
procedure OnPostReceiveOrder_OnHandleRegistrationForSalesReturnLine(var _Registration: Record "MOB WMS Registration"; var _SalesReturnLine: Record "Sales Line")
Case: Add Line Steps to Warehouse Receipts — A customer wishes to start using Item NetWeight and -GrossWeight, but have currently no values registered at the Item Card.
How-to: Subscribing to standard events — You may subscribe to posting events in the Business Central base App to process collected values, or when events offered by Extension API do not fit your exact need.
Version History
Version | Changes |
MOB5.11 | Introduced |