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Use this event to

Handle collected values from a single Registration for a Sales Return Line. 

When migrating code from older MOB versions, this event is the most direct 1:1 comparison to existing in-line customizations. 
If your code is not specific for Sales Order Lines consider using the OnPostReceiveOrder_OnHandleRegistrationForAnyLine event.


This event is used to handle collected "line" level steps and is executed once for each individual Mobile WMS Registration.

Examples of use could be:

  • Write collected values to new or existing fields in the database that subsequently can be accessed from standard posting function events.
  • Validate collected values against live data since registration at the mobile device is mostly conducted offline.
  • But not to process "header" level steps.  Steps added via OnAddStepsToAnyHeader[...] is better handled via OnPostReceiveOrder_OnBeforePost...-events.

When is data committed

Note: The "Sales-Post"-codeunit includes commits in standard code that is not always correctly suppressed for Sales Return Orders, even if SalesPost.SetSuppressCommit(true); is set. This needs to be taken into account and tested carefully before relying on SalesPost rollback for your custom code for Sales Return Orders.


    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnPostReceiveOrder_OnHandleRegistrationForSalesReturnLine''', true, true)]
    procedure OnPostReceiveOrder_OnHandleRegistrationForSalesReturnLine(var _Registration: Record "MOB WMS Registration"; var _SalesReturnLine: Record "Sales Line")


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