Normally, registrations are stored on the mobile device until posting time
With LiveUpdate the quanity is continiously sent to the back-end. (Or when Networks access is re-established)
Supported functional areas
- Pick
- Put-away
Supported data
- Quantity
How to enable
Using Android
Using Windows
Modify the app.config file
<liveUpdate> <orderLineRegistrations enabled="true" requestDocumentName="RegisterRealtimeQuantity"/> </liveUpdate>
This will send a request to NAV to register realtime-quantities while picking / putting-away putting a record in table 6181373 TF Mobile Realtime Reg. Qty.
This will in turn enable you to do unplanned counts on bins while taking unposted picks/put-aways into account by modifying the code in the "TF Mobile WMS Adhoc Registr.".PostUnplannedCountRegistration function so it takes the Realtime Reg. Qty. into account.