Use this event to
Add steps to be displayed at the mobile device when collecting values for each individual document line.
New steps defined at line level (collected for each individual line) are merged with steps from your existing workflow defined in application.cfg
You may add custom steps using either the _Steps-parameter or a ConfigurationKey (to be declared in Reference Data).
Using the _Steps-parameter is the easiest and most flexible, but you may consider using a ConfigurationKey when performance or backwards compatibility with older Android Apps is more important to you.
Using _Steps-parameter | Using ConfigurationKey from ReferenceData |
Easier syntax (Steps defined on-the-fly) | More difficult to use (requires ConfigurationKey in ReferenceData) |
Multiple subscribers to same OnAddSteps event is possible | Only a single subscriber must exist to same OnAddSteps event |
Performance cost per step added to order lines | No performance cost per additional step |
Minimum requirements are Mobile WMS 5.39 and Android App 1.8 | Minimum requirement is Mobile WMS 5.19 |
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Phys Invt Recording", 'OnGetPhysInvtRecordingLines_OnAddStepsToPhysInvtRecordLine', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnGetPhysInvtRecordingLines_OnAddStepsToPhysInvtRecordLine(_PhysInvtRecordLine: Record "Phys. Invt. Record Line"; var _BaseOrderLineElement: Record "MOB NS BaseDataModel Element"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element")
Example 1: Add line steps by using _Steps-parameter
// Prerequisites: Mobile WMS 5.39 and Android App 1.8
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Phys Invt Recording", 'OnGetPhysInvtRecordingLines_OnAddStepsToPhysInvtRecordLine', '', true, true)]
local procedure My01OnGetPhysInvtRecordingLines_OnAddStepsToPhysInvtRecordLine(_PhysInvtRecordLine: Record "Phys. Invt. Record Line"; var _BaseOrderLineElement: Record "MOB NS BaseDataModel Element"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element")
// if not (_BaseOrderLineElement.Get_UnitOfMeasure() in ['KG', 'GR']) then // Example: Condition based on input
// exit;
_Steps.Create_DecimalStep(10000, 'CustomGrossWeightGrams');
_Steps.Set_header('Gross Weight (Grams)');
_Steps.Set_label('Gross Weight (Grams):');
_Steps.Set_helpLabel('Gross Weight in Grams per Base Unit of Measure');
Example 2: Add line steps by referencing a ConfigurationKey from ReferenceData
Currently Mobile WMS supports only one (custom) referenced key per Order Line, meaning only one customization may create StepsByReferenceDataKey at any time. This single one subscriber must set a Key that includes all steps for all other intended subscribers as well. This can only be done by knowing other customizations are in place and manually create a new RegistrationCollectorConfigurationKey that includes all steps.
// Prerequisites: Mobile WMS 5.19
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Phys Invt Recording", 'OnGetPhysInvtRecordingLines_OnAddStepsToPhysInvtRecordLine', '', true, true)]
local procedure My02OnGetPhysInvtRecordingLines_OnAddStepsToPhysInvtRecordLine(_PhysInvtRecordLine: Record "Phys. Invt. Record Line"; var _BaseOrderLineElement: Record "MOB NS BaseDataModel Element")
// Example: Modify attribute values for steps defined by the ReferenceDataKey used above (i.e. defaultValue)
// See:
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Reference Data", 'OnGetReferenceData_OnAddRegistrationCollectorConfigurations', '', true, true)]
local procedure My02OnGetReferenceData_OnAddRegistrationCollectorConfigurations(var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element")
_Steps.Create_DecimalStep(20000, 'CustomNetWeightGrams');
_Steps.Set_header('Net Weight (Grams)');
_Steps.Set_label('Net Weight (Grams):');
_Steps.Set_helpLabel('Net Weight in Grams per Base Unit of Measure');
Sorting Steps for order lines
Steps are generally sorted by Id. This can be changed using the <orderLineConfiguration><extraInformationConfiguration stepSorting="ById"/><orderLineConfiguration/>
in application.cfg
More examples
Case: Add Line Steps to Warehouse Receipts — A customer wishes to start using Item NetWeight and -GrossWeight, but have currently no values registered at the Item Card.
Case: Add Line Step (ExpirationDate) — Collect ExpirationDate in a custom text step.
Case: Use your own custom Item Barcode table — A customer wishes to start using their own Item Barcode table when scanning Items on the mobile device.
How-to: Online Validation for Line step — Online Validation on Steps can instantly validate the user data, with a call to BC.
Version History
Version | Changes |
MOB5.19 | Introduced |
MOB5.39 | New _Steps parameter introduced |