Troubleshoot ERP Communication
Troubleshoot ERP Communication
The application is not showing me the required information or it is not working as intended.
Thus, I need to gather information to raise a proper request in the service desk in order to get help.
The Mobile Document Queue List is a great place to look as it contains all the Requests from the Mobile Device and the corresponding Answers from the ERP system.
Typically, a set of Requests and Answers is sufficient in order to fast-track the problem resolution process.
Open the ERP System
- Search for Mobile Document Queue List and in the result, list click on Mobile Document Queue List
- Order the list by for instance Created Time or filter it on a specific Document or User in order to find the proper row of data
- Select the line and get the Request + Answer and export them as XML
- Add the documents to the ticket you are creating or use them to get the required knowledge to solve the issue yourself if possible
For specific information on Business Central, go to Business Central Technical Troubleshooting
See also
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