Use this event to
Populate values in OrderList displayed at the mobile device (derived from Prod. Order Lines).
From each production order multiple items may be produced (the "Production Order Lines"). Therefore, the Production OrderList displays information from table "Prod. Order Line", not from "Production Order".
Consequently "OnGetProdOrderLines" events - despite the naming - are for the "toplevel" in an OrderList/OrderLines page, elsewhere named the "OrderList".
To customize the "line" level at the mobile device, see: Production Consumption and Production Output
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Production Consumption", 'OnGetProdOrderLines_OnAfterSetFromProdOrderLine', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnGetProdOrderLines_OnAfterSetFromProdOrderLine(_ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; var _BaseOrderElement: Record "MOB Ns BaseDataModel Element")
// [Example] Populate custom tag "NetWeightPerBaseUoM" from item card
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Production Consumption", 'OnGetProdOrderLines_OnAfterSetFromProdOrderLine', '', true, true)]
local procedure MyOnGetProdOrderLines_OnAfterSetFromProdOrderLine(_ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; var _BaseOrderElement: Record "MOB Ns BaseDataModel Element")
Item: Record Item;
MobWmsToolbox: Codeunit "MOB WMS Toolbox";
if Item.Get(_ProdOrderLine."Item No.") then
_BaseOrderElement.SetValue('NetWeightPerBaseUoM', MobWmsToolbox.Decimal2TextAsXmlFormat(Item."Net Weight"));
More examples
Case: Display breakbulk information when posting breakbulk lines automatically — Display addtional breakbulk information during picks, when breakbulk lines is otherwise hidden due to "Mobile WMS Setup"."Post breakbulk lines automatically".
How-to: Modify DisplayLines — Additional text displayed on a List.
How-to: Modify HeaderLabel and HeaderValue — Modify text in the top of Order Lines
How-to: Register Quantity By Multiplication (enableMultiplier) — You want to scan the Quantity multiplier and then manually type the quantity to automatically calculate the total quantity to register.
The multiplers are defined by using the "Qty. per Unit of Measure" from the barcode "Unit of Measure" in the "Item Reference". See Barcode Quantity (enableMultiplier) Example: Box (5) x 10 = 50 Pcs
How-to: Register Quantity By Scan — You want to scan the Quantity . Either one piece or have the system calculate quantity based on "Item Cross Reference".
How-to: Search - Add new HeaderField to existing SearchType — Add a new custom HeaderField to the existing "magnifying glass" SearchType 'ItemSearch' and show a simple search response.
How-to: Sorting of Order Lines — Examples of sorting Order Lines.
How-to: Sorting of Orders — Examples of sorting Order list
Version History
Version | Changes |
MOB5.22 | Introduced |