

Use this event to

Add steps to be displayed at the mobile device when collecting values for output SetupTime and RunTime.

Note: Output Time can only be registered when the Prod. Order Line has associated Prod. Routing Lines.


At the mobile device Output Time may be collected at mobile by either...

  • Double-tap the Output line to collect "all steps" for Quantity, Time AND Scrap
  • Collect only "Time"-steps by using the promoted "Output Time" action at the page.

This same event will add steps to both options mentioned above (on the other hand meaning: Steps cannot conditionally be added to only one of the two options).

Steps are generally sorted by Id. Existing output steps for Time the Mobile WMS is numbered 100 to 150, while subsequent existing Scrap-steps has Step Id 200 to 250.

  • ...If your new step should be displayed as the last Time-step (but prior to Scrap-steps), choose an Id between 160 and 199 for your step.
  • ...If your new step should be the last step displayed at all, choose a high Id for your step, i.e. 10000

Due to the Production Output being implemented as Lookup-page each single Registration is posted right away (when Steps for the line is collected). For this reason no events exists to add "header" level steps.

See also: OnGetRegistrationConfigurationOnProdOutput_OnAfterAddStepToProductionOutputTime


    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnGetRegistrationConfigurationOnProdOutput_OnAddStepsToProductionOutputTime''', true, true)]
    local procedure OnGetRegistrationConfigurationOnProdOutput_OnAddStepsToProductionOutputTime(var _LookupResponse: Record "MOB NS WhseInquery Element"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element")


    // [Example]  Add custom "StopCode" step if RunTime step is to be registered
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnGetRegistrationConfigurationOnProdOutput_OnAddStepsToProductionOutputTime''', true, true)]
    local procedure MyOnGetRegistrationConfigurationOnProdOutput_OnAddStepsToProductionOutputTime(var _LookupResponse: Record "MOB NS WhseInquery Element"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element")
        RegisterRunTime: Boolean;
        ListValues: Text;
        DefaultValue: Text;
        Evaluate(RegisterRunTime, _LookupResponse.GetValue('RegisterRunTime', true));
        if RegisterRunTime then begin
            // demo dropdown options - could be built from database table but standard w1 demo data includes no Stop Codes
            ListValues := ';Stuck/Jammed;In repair;Out of materials';
            DefaultValue := 'Out of materials';

            // create new step id 190 = following existing time steps, but prior to scrap steps
                190,                              // Id
                'CustomStopCode',      // name
                'Stop Code',                 // header
                '',                                  // label
                '',                                  // helpLabel

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