

Use this event to

Change the level of detail used when searching for existing entries when TimeTracking is started/stopped.


You may change the level of detail used when searching for existing Time Tracking Entries when TimeTracking is started and stopped.

Default behaviour is time is recorded (started and stopped) per Mobile UserID and per DeviceID:

  • If the Mobile UserID starts TimeTracking for an operation only that same mobile user can see (and stop) that "counter" ("stopwatch") for the operation.
  • Also, TimeTracking "counters" are only visible on the same device that originally started the "counter" (and therefore can only be stopped from the exact same device).
  • This allows multiple users to share the same Mobile UserID as long as they are using separate devices.

This default behavior can be changed using this event. A sample use could be to no longer allow users to share the same Mobile UserID - but in return allow users to start/stop their own "counters" on any mobile devices they log into with their personal Mobile UserID.


    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB Time Tracking Management", 'OnAfterFilterTimeTrackingEntry''', true, true)]
    local procedure OnAfterFilterTimeTrackingEntry(var _MobTimeTrackingEntry: Record "MOB Time Tracking Entry");


    // [Example]  Override existing filter in order to allow the MobileUserID to start/stop time on any device
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB Time Tracking Management", 'OnAfterFilterTimeTrackingEntry''', true, true)]
    local procedure MyOnAfterFilterTimeTrackingEntry(var _MobTimeTrackingEntry: Record "MOB Time Tracking Entry");
        _MobTimeTrackingEntry.SetRange("Device ID");

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