

Use this event to

Transfer step values to the request page of the report.

See also:

Standard Label Template Designs and OnLookupOnPrintLabel_OnAfterAddStepForTemplate


This event is executed when the user has completed the steps and starts the actual print.

The event needs to copy the step values to the request page variables and/or data items to get the report to use the specified values.


    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB ReportParameters Mgt.", 'OnCreateReportParameters', '', true, true)]
    local procedure MyOnCreateReportParameters(_MobReport: Record "Mob Report"; _SourceRecRef: RecordRef; var _RequestValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element" temporary; var _OptionsFieldValues: Record "MOB ReportParameters Element"; var _DataItemViews: Record "MOB ReportParameters Element"; var _IsHandled: Boolean)
 Click here for parameters...
  • _MobReport 
    • The mobile report to handle. The record can i.e. be used to see the report number and which request page handler the mobile report is to be handled by.
  • _SourceRecRef: 
    • A RecordRef to the context the print is called from, if available. 
    • I.e. Sales Order Line, Warehouse Receipt Line, Purchase Order Return Line, Warehouse Activity(Pick, Put-away) etc.
  • _RequestValues
    • The request values with request values and context values. This contains the values specified by the user and any hidden steps used to transfer values to the request page.
  • _OptionsFieldValues:
    • Here you can assign values to the request page variables. Please note the request page variables are referenced by their variable name.
  • _DataItemViews:
    • Here you can assign views to the request page data items.
  • _IsHandled: 
    • Specify if the mobile report is handled by the request page handler and can be used to determine if another handler already handled the report.

Example: How-to Create your own RequestPage Handler (Report Print)

More examples

  • Page:
    How-to Create your own RequestPage Handler (Report Print) — Create a custom RequestPage Handler for a Report object for use with Report Print.

    A RequestPage Handler is required to print a standard or custom Report Object from the mobile device.

    The purpose of the handler is two things:

    1. Determine if the report should be available in the given context and which steps should be provided to the user
    2. Extract the values of the steps and copy them to the request page of the report
  • Page:
    How-to Customize Item Label (Report Print) — Modify an existing Report Print standard report, to include more information in the layout and barcode.

Version History
