Action Menu
Johannes Sebastian Nielsen
Morten Attermann Holst
Glenn Linaa
The menu contains additional actions and is visible in the lower right corner of all pages, which have actions defined. These can be manually created, or created by the application to provide functionality available on the current page. Such as deleting registrations on an order lines page. All menu items can be shown, or hidden, as well as ordered individually. That way, menu items which are most important can be moved around to fit the specific use case.
Types of actions
There are two kinds of actions.
- Navigates to another page/tasklet
<actions> <open id="NavigageToThisPageID" icon="mainmenupick" title="Pick"/> </actions>
Sends a Single parameter to the Backend
- Is handled by the Ad Hoc Registration Codeunit
- Typically used for initiating a process i.e. Moving an Item
<actions> <adhocRegistration id="NameOfAction" registrationType="RegistrationTypeSentToBackend" icon="mainmenupick" title="Pick" /> </actions>
Menu item ordering
Ordering is possible both for the action menu, and the context menu which appears by long pressing a line.
- The menuPlacement defines the order of the menu item in the burger menu.
- The contextMenuPlacement defines the order in the context menu, appearing on long press.
Less is more, so the lower the number the higher the priority of the item, and the further up the list it goes. If instead the value is set to OFF the menu item will not be available in that menu. So items can be shown in one menu and hidden in another, on the same page.
<actions> <!-- Item has priority 1 in the burger menu, and has priority 10 in the context menu. --> <open id="RegisterImage" icon="camera" title="@{AttachImages}" menuPlacement="1" contextMenuPlacement="10"> <!-- Item has priority 1 in the burger menu, and is hidden in the context menu. --> <open id="Attachments" icon="attachment" title="@{Attachments}" menuPlacement="1" contextMenuPlacement="OFF"/> </actions>
Note, that if two items have the same placement number, they will be added in the order that the configuration states.
You can promote actions using "numberOfPromotedItems". See Page Mobile Configuration
Action menu
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