Combine Images

Combine Images

Combine Images

Available in Mobile WMS for Dynamics AX/365FO version 3.13

When you want to create your unique image to be used on a menu or a group.

Path: Mobile WMS/Setup/Customizations/Combine Images

How It Works

When you create a new image, you have from the built in ressource folder a selection of images. 

You can also add your own image, and this will also be available in the ressource folder. 

Add Image

Path: Mobile WMS/Setup/Customizations/Images

Image should be of the same type as specified in he Mobile WMS parameters. See here: Mobile WMS Parameters (AX/FO)


When a record is created, you attach the image using document management. 

Combining Images

In the section called "Images" you can add several images and arrange them until you get that unique image you seek. If you have added a new image then this will also be available from that ressource catalogue.