Release Notes (NAV)

Release Notes (NAV)

Version MOB4.62

New Feature
[NTW-2624]NAV - Inventory Pick: "The matching place line could not be found for order line XXXXX" error would occur if picking another Lot or Serial than assigned

Version MOB4.61

New Feature
[NTW-1845]NAV - Label Print: All templates now use the same workflow
[NTW-1854]NAV - Label Print: Open label-template in designer, using direct link from webclient

[NTW-1853]NAV - Label Print: Migrate to new server
[NTW-2580]NAV - Common Mgt. GetDirectTransfer Evaluate does not return boolean

[NTW-1367]NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Move: Unintentionally is missing tracking Step\(s\) when Warehouse Tracking is disabled
[NTW-1740]NAV - Adhoc \(Multiple Document Types\): Step "Variant" must be optional to support MobSetup."Allow blank variant code"
[NTW-1742]NAV - Putaway: "Order posted successfully" message is not displayed as intended
[NTW-1743]NAV - Activities: Header elements not displayed as intended \(no. of lines and location\)
[NTW-1856]NAV - Shipping: Quantity to handle \(base\) in tracking specification Item No. x, Serial No. y, Lot No. z, is currently X it must be Y
[NTW-2307]NAV - Ship: Error "MOB Sync. Item Tracking.SynchronizeItemTrkg\(\): Cannot match item tracking" when posting Shipments where lines at same shipment is having identical Item No. and Source Line No. \(but different Source No.\)
[NTW-2377]NAV - Pick: "The matching place line could not be found for order line XXXXX" error would occur if picking another Lot or Serial than assigned

Version MOB4.60

About this release

Version 4.60 jumps in versions to indicate this is a large release.
We have tried to include as many improvements from Business Central releases as possible - without reworking the object structures.
This means you are still able to merge changes from older versions.
However, the majority of the objects has been modified in this release.

Setup Document Types are required before login

A new Mobile Document Type has been added.

Make sure you perform point 4.4 "Setup document types" in the installation guide.
Tip: Open the “Mobile WMS Setup” Page and click Actions -> “Create Document Types”

New Feature
[NTW-730] NAV - Populate RegistrationType in Mobile Document Queue for all Lookup document types
[NTW-731] NAV - Mobile Test Helper: Populate all Mobile WMS Setup journal names when "Create Base Data" is used
[NTW-733] NAV - Adhoc Tote Shipping: Performance on large datasets improved
[NTW-735] NAV - Pick / Receive: Sell-to Customer Name now displayed at pick order list and sales return order list
[NTW-782] NAV - Receive: Improved error message when posting and trying to cross-dock
[NTW-947] NAV - Mobile Document Group setup discontinued (related pages removed, all access rights is to be handled using Permissions going forward)
[NTW-1050]NAV - Mobile Test Helper: New action "Create Production Orders"
[NTW-1052]NAV - Mobile Test Helper: New action "Create Assembly Orders"
[NTW-1093]NAV - Dates formatted to Text now using Mobile Users Language Setting
[NTW-1125]NAV - Assembly: New action "Locate Item" added to Assembly Order Lines page
[NTW-1223]NAV - LabelPrint: Combine all records from MobPrintBuffer into a single printCommand (support for printing multiple label designs at once)
[NTW-1236]NAV - Request Element: Improved GetValue (GetValueByName) error message when reading non-existing tags (when ErrorIfNotExist-parameter is set)
[NTW-1272]NAV - Production: New feature "Time Tracking" (record Setup Time and Run Time by starting/stopping a "stopwatch")
[NTW-1273]NAV - Adhoc Count: Support for Lot No's not previously on inventory when Expiration Date is not required
[NTW-1324]NAV - LabelPrint: New setup field for selecting language of InterForm Labels (Cloud Print)
[NTW-1337]NAV - Request Element: New HasValue() function, return if the value path exists
[NTW-1397]NAV - New codeunit MobSessionData (track user/device/registrationtype/registrationtypetracking from current session)
[NTW-1401]NAV - Adhoc functions: Default UoM is now Item Base Unit Of  Measure (UnplannedMove, UnplannedCount, AdjustQuantity, AddCountLine)
[NTW-1411]NAV - Warehouse Activities: Show Source Document Information in Order Lists
[NTW-1412]NAV - LabelPrint: All Printers and Templates are now implicitly available when no specific assigments exists
[NTW-1413]NAV - Lookup LocateItem: Support wildcard search for Item Number
[NTW-1416]NAV - Production Output: New event OnGetRegistrationConfigurationOnProdOutput_OnAddStepsToProductionOutput
[NTW-1428]NAV - Ship: Display all unique recipients to support shipments for multiple receivers (Sales Order, Purchase Return Order and Transfer Order)
[NTW-1430]NAV - Production: New header filter "Work Center" on production orders
[NTW-1432]NAV - BaseDataModel Element: Support for quantity per Unit of Measure when using RegisterQuantityByScan
[NTW-1433]NAV - GetMedia: Image base64 data logged with "GetMedia" Xml responses in the Mobile Document Queue is now shortened to reduce impact on the table size / database size
[NTW-1434]NAV - LabelPrint: New "Print Log" (showing internal DataSet, Xml Request for InterForm and Response from InterForm)
[NTW-1473]NAV - LabelPrint: Support for standard_generic_OrderList_4x6_v1
[NTW-1483]NAV - LabelPrint: New event OnLookupOnPrintLabel_OnAfterAddStepForTemplate
[NTW-1485]NAV - LabelPrint: Added new label template "ItemLabel 3x2"
[NTW-1490]NAV - LabelPrint: Added SourceRecordRef to OnAddStepsForTemplate 
[NTW-1491]NAV - LabelPrint: Added support for additional Source/Context tables
[NTW-1502]NAV - Assembly / CreateAssemblyOrder: New inventory warning at Assembly Order creation from mobile device (when orders are created with insufficient supply)
[NTW-1507]NAV - GS1: Added support for AI 310(n) when registrering quantity on unplanned pages
[NTW-1509]NAV - Added "Release to Mobile" action to more standard pages for better user experience
[NTW-1510]NAV - Callstack added to Error message when Request is processed from Mobile Document Queue
[NTW-1513]NAV - LabelPrint: Updated generic OrderList template to latest version (standard_generic_orderList_4x6_v3)
[NTW-1517]NAV - Fallback to default language ENU on Mobile Device when language is missing at Mobile User
[NTW-1519]NAV - Added support for custom labels/messages (GetLocalizationData)
[NTW-1523]NAV - Functions MobWmsToolbox.DetermineItemTracking... replaced by MobReservationMgt.DetermineItemTrackingBy...
[NTW-1541]NAV - Realtime Registrations: Added support for Tote-ID
[NTW-1547]NAV - Mobile Test Helper: Support for documents in alternative Unit of Measure ("BOX")
[NTW-1559]NAV - Improved tooltips based on feedback from partner
[NTW-1570]NAV - Support for customizations to handle Non-Item lines from Mobile WMS (when running a Location Setup without Warehouse enabled)
[NTW-1593]NAV - Steps Element: New template Steps.Create_SummaryStep() for when adding step to a registration collector programmatically
[NTW-1597]NAV - Ship: Support for Non-specific reservations
[NTW-1600]NAV - Steps Element: Now always validates Xml naming conventions to prevent error: "Error in Xml. Unable to deserialize Xml" on mobile device
[NTW-1608]NAV - ReferenceData: Now always validates Xml naming conventions for custom DataTableId to prevent error: "Error in Xml. Unable to deserialize Xml" on mobile device
[NTW-1611]NAV - Ship: Support for locations with Pick and Ship (Validate picked items at shipping)
[NTW-1612]NAV - New Mobile WMS Setup action: "Create Languages and Messages for all languages" (including mapping default device language codes to NAV Language Codes)
[NTW-1618]NAV - Lookup: New tag ReferenceID at all standard lookup response elements to help backtracking to context
[NTW-1621]NAV - Warehouse Activities: Show number of related source documents for each element in list
[NTW-1643]NAV - BaseDataModel Element: New function HasValue (return if tag is set on the element)
[NTW-1649]NAV - Mobile WMS Registrations: Added new fields "Source Line No." and "Source Document" (populated from Whse. Activity Line during Tote Picking)
[NTW-1650]NAV - Ship: Support for Sorting Method on Warehouse Shipments
[NTW-1651]NAV - Receive: Support for Sorting Method on Warehouse Receipts
[NTW-1652]NAV - BaseDataModel Element: Support for attributes using SetValue('Tag/@Attribute') syntax
[NTW-1653]NAV - BaseDataModel Element: Support for enabling Barcode Quantity Multiplier (new parameter at Set_BarcodeQuantityFromItemVariantUoM)
[NTW-1655]NAV - LabelPrint: Is now creating Mobile Print Setup as part of Test Helper action "Create Base Data"
[NTW-1656]NAV - LabelPrint: Support for OrderList based on Posted Warehouse Shipment on Post Shipment

[NTW-1444]NAV - Upgrade "MOB Print" to version BC5.29
[NTW-1506]NAV - Upgrade "MOB Dispatcher" and "MOB Document Management" to version BC5.29
[NTW-1514]NAV - Upgrade "MOB Document Queue" to version BC5.29
[NTW-1521]NAV - Upgrade "MOB Reservation Mgt." to version BC5.30
[NTW-1529]NAV - Upgrade "MOB Test Helper" to version BC5.30
[NTW-1540]NAV - Upgrade "Adhoc.PostToteShippingRegistration" to version BC5.30
[NTW-1666]NAV - Upgrade "Count.PostOrder()" to version BC5.31
[NTW-1682]NAV - Upgrade "MOB WMS Ship" to version BC5.31
[NTW-1698]NAV - Removed obsolete LookupAsset functions

[NTW-297] NAV - Item Tracking "SN Sales Outbnd Only" is unintentionally being read from the wrong setup field
[NTW-498] NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Count, Pos./Nej. Adjustment: Error when posting with LotNo and Expiration Date
[NTW-555] NAV - Adhoc Adjust Quantity: Cannot be carried out when Calc. Whse. Adjustment has not been posted
[NTW-637] NAV - Adhoc Adjust Quantity: Should only ask for bin if the selected location uses bins (incl. refactored availability check)
[NTW-684] NAV - Blank Location is unintentionally included in filterlists when a Warehouse Employee with blank Location Code exists
[NTW-714] NAV - Count: When posting for "Phys. Invt. Jnl." the item tracking can be created with wrong sign, causing an imbalance between Inventory and Warehouse
[NTW-715] NAV - Adhoc Adjust Quantity: Error when adjusting quantity in UoM different than the base UoM
[NTW-716] NAV - Adhoc Adjust Quantity: Error "You cannot base a date calculation on an undefined date. Date: 0D Formula: 2Y."
[NTW-718] NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Count: Counted Qty. was always posted as Positive Adjustment
[NTW-723] NAV - Receive / Transfer Order: Error when fetching Receive Lines for Transfer Order (Basic Inventory)
[NTW-726] NAV - Lot Number not required on Transfer Order even though Item Tracking Code is setup with Lot Transfer Tracking
[NTW-729] NAV - Adhoc Adjust Quantity: Insufficient Stock Quantity error due to Unit of Measure conversion
[NTW-734] NAV - Count (Item Journals): Action "Release to Mobile" should toggle value (not only enable value)
[NTW-770] NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Count: Error "The lot number X does not exist" even though Lot No. has previously been registered in system
[NTW-779] NAV - Pick: Error "The serial number xyz does not exist. Item No.: xxx" in cases with no Serial Specific Tracking (too strict validation)
[NTW-826] NAV - Count: Error "Are there duplicate orders in the list? Error details: Constraint" when same Warehouse Journal Batch Name is used for different locations
[NTW-852] NAV - Lookup SubstituteItem: Exclude "Location" value from "Substitute Item" output as it makes action to "Locate Item" fail
[NTW-873] NAV - Pick: Number of lines not calculated correctly on Warehouse Picks without Bin Mandatory (when Whse. Activity only has Take-lines, no Place-lines)
[NTW-906] NAV - Adhoc Tote Shipping: Error "Shipment XXX does not exist or is not released"
[NTW-914] NAV - LabelPrint: Ai(91) should include only one itembarcode even when ItemNo. has cross references
[NTW-933] NAV - Pick / PutAway: Error: "The total base quantity to take X must be equal to the total base quantity to place X" could leave document in error state
[NTW-939] NAV - Receive: Orderlist does not show Vendor Name on some orders
[NTW-942] NAV - Adhoc Adjust Quantity / Unplanned Move: Remove max length limitation for Quantity step (was 5 characters)
[NTW-945] NAV - Receive: Description unintentionally displays "NOT_AVAILABLE" when order type is Sales Return Order
[NTW-956] NAV - Pick: Error "The Bin does not exist. Identification field and values: Location Code='XXX',Code=''"
[NTW-957] NAV - Adhoc Adjust Quantity / Unplanned Move: When working with an Item with a Variant Code setup it is not possible to clear the Variant Code
[NTW-996] NAV - Pick: Serial No. is collected when picking for Production Order, but no Item Tracking Line is created when SN Warehouse Tracking is disabled
[NTW-1022]NAV - Pick: Problem doing partial pick of item with Lot Warehouse Tracking on Directed Put-away and Pick Location
[NTW-1044]NAV - Request Element: GetValue()-function do not correctly support >250 characters as intended
[NTW-1130]NAV - Lookup LocateItem: Location default value not always populated when called from subpage (action)
[NTW-1161]NAV - Missing error message if mobile user does not exist as Warehouse Employee
[NTW-1162]NAV - Warehouse Setup "Receipt Posting Policy" and "Shipment Posting Policy" should be validated separatedly (and only for relevant Document Type)
[NTW-1288]NAV - Pick: Error "The total qty. to take must match the total qty. to place"
[NTW-1298]NAV - Lookup LocateItem: Not all inventory on hand showing up on scanner as intended
[NTW-1336]NAV - LabelPrint: Lookup Step values gets mixed if steps are deleted programmatically, then recreated for a new label template
[NTW-1346]NAV - Production Consumption: Reserved Qty. was incorrectly being subtracted from displayed Remaining Qty. (display issue only, can still post)
[NTW-1367]NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Move: Unintentionally is missing tracking Step(s) when Warehouse Tracking is disabled
[NTW-1375]NAV - Production Output: Error "Quantity must not be changed when a Warehouse Activity Line for this item exists" when posting output for prod. order line with partially picked components
[NTW-1388]NAV - Production Output: Error on posting if same UserID has open output journal for different production order line in the WebClient ("You cannot post these lines because you have not entered a quantity on one or more of the lines.")
[NTW-1389]NAV - Production Output: Should post though "Item Journal Batch" like consumption
[NTW-1396]NAV - Mobile Document Queue: RegistrationTypeTracking is blank in queue when adhoc functions fails
[NTW-1414]NAV - LabelPrint: Label "Sales Shipment" could be shown from contexts where it cannot be used
[NTW-1415]NAV - LabelPrint: Xml to InterForm must sort by same order tags was inserted into buffer
[NTW-1418]NAV - Production Output: Setup Time, Run Time and Scrap Qty. steps reacted to GS1 Appplication Identifier for Quantity
[NTW-1424]NAV - Mobile Users: Overflow on calculated User Name exceeding 50 characters
[NTW-1429]NAV - Allow Non-specific reservations for Item Tracking with Warehouse Tracking enabled
[NTW-1435]NAV - Pick: Error "The Record in table Reservation Entry already exists. Identification fields and values: Entry No.='x',Positive='No'"
[NTW-1439]NAV - Request Element: GetRequestIsForce()-function should search for lowercase tag as well (since "force"-attribute has different captions depending on where it was created from)
[NTW-1442]NAV - MobSyncItemTracking: Upgrade synchronization code to prevent orphan reservation entries when Sync. Item Tracking is implemented for Ship in NAV eventually
[NTW-1464]NAV - Adhoc Tote Shipping: The Warehouse Shipment Line does not exist. Identification fields and values: No.='XYZ',Line No.='10000' error appears when Tote-ID is scanned
[NTW-1471]NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Move: When carried out from "Locate Item" the following error can occur: "The value of DMY2Date parameter 2 is outside of the permitted range. The current value is: x. The permitted range is: from 1 to 12"
[NTW-1472]NAV - Direct Transfer Orders: When posting from Mobile WMS only Shipment was registrered
[NTW-1474]NAV - LabelPrint: Confirmation to replace Print Setup can be bypassed by creating setup, then disabling printing in that existing setup
[NTW-1475]NAV - LabelPrint: Item No. missing in Item Label if no Item Cross Reference is set up
[NTW-1476]NAV - Request is unintentionally not saved in Mobile Document Queue if Document Type does not exist
[NTW-1477]NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Move: The Expiration Date field is empty in the warehouse entry when an item is set up with an item tracking code and an expiration date
[NTW-1478]NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Move: Expiration Date is unintentionally not registered when SN Warehouse Tracking is used
[NTW-1479]NAV - Steps Element: Text encoding of Danish Character in List Step fails when Mob Steps Element is used
[NTW-1480]NAV - Adhoc Bulk Move: Error "Item Tracking is defined for Item X in the Item Journal Line. You must delete the existing item tracking before modifying or deleting the Item Journal Line"
[NTW-1482]NAV - Adhoc Adjust Quantity: Error "The length of the string is xxx, but it must be less than or equal to 250 characters"
[NTW-1484]NAV - Pick: Error "The lot number xyz does not exist. Item No.: xxx" in cases with no Lot Specific Tracking (too strict validation)
[NTW-1486]NAV - Pick / Purchase Return Order: Missing item availability check on picks for Purchase Return Orders
[NTW-1487]NAV - LabelPrint: Image list creates illegal XML node name
[NTW-1488]NAV - LabelPrint: LotNumber step not always collected as intended
[NTW-1503]NAV - Count: Physical Inventory Journal was not shown on Device because it was possible to select an Item Journal Template which was not of Type "Phys. Inventory"
[NTW-1508]NAV - Pick: Error "You cannot handle more than the outstanding x units" when Take/Place lines do not balance 1:1 (i.e. when when Split Line has been used)
[NTW-1511]NAV - LabelPrint: Lookup result is blank for long template names
[NTW-1512]NAV - LabelPrint: Unit of measure must be present as Item Cross Reference, when used on itemlabel
[NTW-1516]NAV - Posting from mobile device: Error "You do not have the following permissions on TableData Reservation Entry: Modify"
[NTW-1520]NAV - Update incorrect PageType at list pages (was "Card")
[NTW-1532]NAV - PutAway: Error when posting to more than 20 bins: Index out of bound
[NTW-1533]NAV - Adhoc (Multiple Document Types): Journal Posting Dates now validated as intentionally and using WorkDate instead of Today
[NTW-1546]NAV - Mobile Test Helper: When creating new inventory from the TestHelper, the UoM assigned on TestDataSet-record should be respected (is currently always Base Unit of Measure)
[NTW-1556]NAV - External Doc. No. must support up to 35 characters to match base app
[NTW-1560]NAV - Action "Import Request XML" on Mobile Document Queue is unused and should be removed
[NTW-1563]NAV - Pick / PutAway: Item Tracking Support for Internal Picks and Put-aways
[NTW-1568]NAV - Pick: Outbound Transfer Orders is not correctly removed from Pick-list when fully picked but not yet received
[NTW-1573]NAV - Pick / Receive: Bin Code should only be validated for Type::Item (is currently always validated, even when documents is customized to include non-Item types)
[NTW-1575]NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Count: Posting with Lot and Expiration Date could result in Whse. Entry with wrong Expiration Date
[NTW-1577]NAV - Office365 Authentication: The user mobtst@taskletfactory.com could not be found as a valid mobile user
[NTW-1588]NAV - GetMedia: Misleading error message "The record is not open" when requesting an unknown image
[NTW-1590]NAV - Pick: Error "The matching place line could not be found for order line XXXXX"
[NTW-1591]NAV - Adhoc Adjust Quantity / Unplanned Count: Error "The bin does not exist. Identification fields and values: Location Code='XXX',Code=''"
[NTW-1594]NAV - Pick: Error "There is no Bin Content within the filter" when trying to post pick
[NTW-1595]NAV - Adhoc (Multiple Document Types): Collected Unit Of Measure should take precedence over values parsed through Item Cross Reference
[NTW-1596]NAV - Item Cross Reference overflow runtime Error : "The length of the string is xx, but it must be less than or equal to 20 characters"
[NTW-1598]NAV - Adhoc Tote Shipping: Error "Qty. to Ship must not be greater than X units in Warehouse Shipment Line No.="XXX", Line No.="XXX" (due to commits in standard code desyncronizing MobWmsRegistrations and WhseShipmentLine)
[NTW-1599]NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Count: If Bin Content Record with 'Blank' Unit of Measure code exists, Qty. on Hand can be calculated to Zero, causing a wrong qty. to be posted to inventory
[NTW-1603]NAV - Receive: Error "The Transfer Line does not exist. Identification fields and values: Document No.='XXX',Line No.='0'"
[NTW-1604]NAV - Login / GetReferenceData: Error during login "Server response: Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlCData variable not initialized"
[NTW-1606]NAV - Ship: Customizations enabling a Pick location do not work due to pick/ship constraints in code
[NTW-1607]NAV - Ship: Incorrect default Quantity is displayed on partial Shipments when location requires Pick
[NTW-1613]NAV - LabelPrint / Mobile Print Setup: If action "Create Standard Setup" was never used during LabelPrint setup the "Test Connection" action does not work
[NTW-1619]NAV - Pick / PutAway / Move (Warehouse Activities): Weight and Cubage is unintentionally only calculated when "Qty. to handle" is populated on lines (should include all outstanding lines)
[NTW-1620]NAV - Assembly: Error "Item No. xyz does not exist" if line filter was customized to include ie. ressource lines
[NTW-1645]NAV - Receive / Ship: GetOrders responses optimized for better performance
[NTW-1646]NAV - Pick / PutAway / Move (Warehouse Activities): An error after succesful post could cause registered warehouse activity lines to unintentionally be recreated
[NTW-1654]NAV - Adhoc PostItemCrossRefRegistration: All standard triggers (field validation and Insert) must be called when inserting a new Item Cross Reference
[NTW-1660]NAV - Pick: Error "The matching place line could not be found for order line xx"
[NTW-1713]NAV - LabelPrint: Encode password using URLencoding
[NTW-1740]NAV - Adhoc (Multiple Document Types): Step "Variant" must be optional to support MobSetup."Allow blank variant code"
[NTW-1742]NAV - Putaway: "Order posted successfully" message is not displayed as intended
[NTW-1743]NAV- Activities: Header elements not displayed as intended (no. of lines and location)

Version MOB4.53.2 (Unreleased version)


Bugs and features in this version are included in prior versions but missing in the Release Notes for those versions

New Feature
[NTW-842 ]NAV - Adhoc Tote Shipping: Collecting External Document No. removed
[NTW-920 ]NAV - LabelPrint: Label Templates updated to match latest versions at InterForm server
[NTW-1493]NAV - LabelPrint: Support for Interform Print
[NTW-1548]NAV - Lookup Substitute Items: Support for ItemImage
[NTW-1557]NAV - Ship: Image Support on Order Lines
[NTW-1571]NAV - BaseOrderLine Element: Add support for html in LookupResponse
[NTW-1584]NAV - Request Element: New Get-methods for all standard headerfield names (including Evaluate / type check)
[NTW-1495]NAV - Request Element: New type helper functions "GetValueAsXXX"()
[NTW-1569]NAV - Steps Element: Add support for onlineValidation-step (step with attributes)
[NTW-1579]NAV - Steps Element: Make it possible to set IncludeCollectedValues attribute on "OnlineValidation" steps
[NTW-1494]NAV - Steps Element: New steps templates Create_typeAndQuantityStep[From...]
[NTW-1561]NAV - Better support for confirm Dialog / ForceWarning (new functions MobToolbox.ErrorIfNotConfirm_RequestValues and ErrorIfNotConfirm_XmlRequestDoc)
[NTW-1524]NAV - New "Mob Reservation Mgt" codeunit

[NTW-1582]NAV - Adhoc Register Item Image: Added error message when trying to send multiple pictures together
[NTW-1481]NAV - Adhoc Tote Shipping: Posting Date was not set to Workdate on Warehouse Shipment
[NTW-1261]NAV - Adhoc Unplanned Move: Variant wasn't transferred from "Bin Content" and "Locate Item" pages
[NTW-1425]NAV - LabelPrint: Populate a default value for DPI
[NTW-1489]NAV - LabelPrint: Rename printer does not rename associated Assigned label-template
[NTW-1426]NAV - LabelPrint: Setup "Enabled" was not proberbly respected
[NTW-1409]NAV - LabelPrint: "Test Connection" unintentionally requires closing page before changes take effect
[NTW-1410]NAV - LabelPrint: Tenant Name should not be saved in Username field (overflow)
[NTW-554 ]NAV - Pick: ATO Serial/Lot tracked items would throw error "Serial does not exist"
[NTW-1564]NAV - Pick / PurchaseReturnOrder: Posting flags not being set correctly on PurchaseHeader in PostPurchaseReturnOrder()
[NTW-1585]NAV - Production: Allow posting negative scrap quantity
[NTW-1586]NAV - Production: Record not open error occurs when trying to post production output
[NTW-1615]NAV - Production: Negative Lot No. Consumption error "MOB Sync Item Tracking.SyncronizeItemTrkg(): Cannot match item tracking."
[NTW-1623]NAV - Receive: Failing to handle LocationSetup resulting in incorrect step for Bin ("Bin Mandatory", "Require Put-away", "Require Receive")
[NTW-497 ]NAV - Receive: Missing ReceiptData and Sender when first line is not Item
[NTW-1558]NAV - Receive: PurchaseOrderNoFilter fails when returning to list after Posting ("No Warehouse Receipt Lines was created")
[NTW-1567]NAV - Request Element: "NS Request Element".GetValue() may return incorrect value if path is not found
[NTW-721 ]NAV - Steps Element: Set_maxDate and Set_minDate and defaultValue is using incorrect date format
[NTW-1417]NAV - Steps Element: Steps.Create_DateStep_ExpirationDate(): Incorrect defaultValue dateFormat
[NTW-954 ]NAV - application.cfg: Solved various missing language captions
[NTW-1605]NAV - Comma in Serial Number registration is unintentionally parsed as Expiration Date
[NTW-967 ]NAV - GetLocationFilter "All" must show no locations if no Whse. Employee exists
[NTW-923 ]NAV - Login hanging when Language Code associated to Mobile User has empty Windows Language ID. New fallback to default GlobalLanguage

Version MOB4.53.1

[NTW-1252]Production Consumption: A DotNet variable has not been instantiated
[NTW-1260]NAV: Cloud Print Error always shown

Version MOB4.53

New Feature
[NTW-1152]NAV: LabelPrint: Support for NG2 platform
[NTW-1209]NAV: Production Consumption: Allow Bin change when no Directed Put-away and Pick but populated default Bin

[NTW-1169]NAV: Locate Item & Bin Content: Improve performance
[NTW-1196]NAV: Production: New action to finish a route Operation

[NTW-1204]NAV: The Reservation Entry does not exist. Identification fields and values: Entry No.='xxx', Positive='Yes'
[NTW-1213]NAV: Receive (Transfer): Error when posting with "Bin Mandatory"=false and populated Item."Shelf No.": "ToBin must be equal to '' in Mobile WMS Registration: Type=Transfer Order, Order No.=XXX, Line No.=XXX, Registration No.=XXX. Current value is 'YYY'"
[NTW-1214]NAV: Mobile User: The CalcFormula for the User Name FlowField in the Mobile User table must start with 'Sum(...'.
[NTW-1227]NAV: Assembly: Rewrite to use MobX.00Mgt.IsInventoryItem instead directly accessing Item.Type::Inventory
[NTW-1233]NAV: LabelPrint: Possible overflow in long usernames, passwords and tenant

Version MOB4.52

New Feature
[NTW-1069]NAV - Assembly: Order Module
[NTW-1076]NAV - Production: Substitute Component

[NTW-1085]NAV: Shipment: "Shipment Date" is now updated to Workdate in the same way as "Posting Date"

[NTW-106] NAV: String length seems to not correspond to base field length
[NTW-125] NAV: XML Error messages cut short
[NTW-234] NAV: ERROR "Language Must Exist"
[NTW-710] NAV: Unplanned Count: Overflow when registering long item numbers
[NTW-1100]NAV: PostShipment (Adhoc): Posting Date was not correctly updated to WorkDate() when using the adhoc page "PostShipment" to post Shipments
[NTW-1106]NAV: Production - Error: A call to system.collections.generic.list`1[System.Object].RemoveAt failed
[NTW-1109]NAV: Assembly - Orders that are Assemble-to-Order were shown in the Assembly Order List

Version MOB4.51

New Feature
[NTW-881]NAV: Add AI91 as Item Identifier. Add AI12+AI17 as Expiration Date ide
[NTW-987]NAV: Production (requires new Application.cfg and Android App v1.5.5 o

[NTW-965]NAV: Wrong success message in Count
[NTW-1000NAV: Update license to include new Production objects

[NTW-918]NAV: DAN and DEU Language special characters missing in translation ca
[NTW-1063NAV: Unwanted print on Ship Order

Version MOB4.50

New Feature
[NTW-881]NAV: Add AI91 as Item Identifier
[NTW-889]NAV: Unplanned Move: Move Items between Locations
[NTW-891]NAV: Print: Support for xpath leveling in dataset and print request
[NTW-892]NAV: Print: Support for hooking on the Planned Post

[NTW-899]NAV: Print: Additional values added to print requests

[NTW-384]NAV: Set Dispatch-service External
[NTW-484]NAV: Item Tracking Support for Internal Picks and Put-aways
[NTW-553]NAV: Outbound Serial issue
[NTW-603]NAV: Mobile WMS updates "Qty. per Unit of Measure" for the base unit of
[NTW-609]NAV: Unplanned Move: Expiration date not set on Warehouse Entries
[NTW-610]NAV: Receipts are not being created for all Inbound Transfer Orders, wh
[NTW-711]NAV: Possibility to enter Bin on a Warehouse Receipt Line
[NTW-712]NAV: Steps minValue and maxValue attributes incorrect format when using
[NTW-713]NAV: Posting date of Receipt, Pick and Shipment must always be WorkingD
[NTW-717]NAV: Error message when performing an Unplanned Move: 'New Expiration D
[NTW-720]NAV: BackendID too short
[NTW-722]NAV: Count lines displayed wrong when there is No Bin
[NTW-725]NAV: Barcode Quantity Overflow error when Qty. per Unit of Measure incl
[NTW-727]NAV: GetShipmentLines Fails: the xml node is not set for specific locat
[NTW-834]NAV: Unplanned: Suppress in Unit of Measure Step in Unplanned functions
[NTW-836]NAV: Image: Item Image missing filter on CompanyName
[NTW-839]NAV: Print: Wrong Unit suggested
[NTW-859]NAV: Cloud Print: From Main menu, ability to input an Item Cross Refere

Version MOB4.4

New Feature
[NTW-732]Attach Images to Orders or OrderLines
[NTW-738]Register image to an Item 
[NTW-750]Cloud Label Print Support

Version MOB4.3

New Feature
[NTW-204]Receive: Make delivery note entry configurable

[NTW-219]Receipt Filters using wrong variable
[NTW-225]Consolidating XML NameSpace constants and availability for Aut. Testing
[NTW-290]Return value is too short

[NTW-71] Error in PrintLabel
[NTW-174]Remove TF-SALES from Mobile WMS
[NTW-218]Unplanned Moves Breaking Picks
[NTW-251]Failing to read Setup right resulting in wrongfully collection of Bin