Add an action to Lookup (No dialog)
Add an action to Lookup (No dialog)
This is the simplest form of interaction with the back-end.
- The user selects the action and the current Order Line information is sent to the back-end.
- No dialog is presented to the user
You can add the action to:
- Planned function. See Add an action to Order Line menu (No dialog)
- Unplanned function
- Lookup
Add to a Lookup
Lookup's are: Bin Content, Locate Item etc.
Which data will be transferred to back-end?
Only the selected lookup entry will be transferred.
The sendRegistrationData attribute does not apply to lookup.
How to enable for Lookup
Step 1: Add the action in Configuration file
In Application.cfg
"UnableToPick" action is added to the existing “Pick Line” page
<adhocRegistration registrationType="MyLookupResultAction" id="2" icon="postsuccess" title="My Lookup Result action" sendRegistrationData="Order"> <onSuccessfulPost refreshOnSuccess="true"/> </adhocRegistration>
Step 2: Test the request
After restart you can now select the action and inspect the Request it makes.
<request name="PostAdhocRegistration" created="2019-12-06T14:08:10+01:00" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/Dynamics/Mobile/2007/04/Documents/Request"> <requestData name="PostAdhocRegistration"> <Location>WHITE</Location> <Bin>W-01-0003</Bin> <selectedItemType>Lookup</selectedItemType> <ItemNumber>TF-002</ItemNumber> <Barcode /> <DisplaySerialNumber /> <SerialNumber /> <DisplayLotNumber /> <LotNumber /> <DisplayExpirationDate /> <ExpirationDate /> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <UoM>PCS</UoM> <DisplayLine1>TF-002</DisplayLine1> <DisplayLine2>Intense Orange</DisplayLine2> <DisplayLine3 /> <DisplayLine4>UoM PCS</DisplayLine4> <DisplayLine5 /> <ExtraInfo1 /> <ExtraInfo2 /> <ExtraInfo3 /> <RegistrationType>MyLookupResultAction</RegistrationType> </requestData> </request>
Step 3: Add code to handle action in NAV
- The call goes into codeunt “TF Mobile WMS Adhoc Registr.”
- Function “PostAdhocRegistration()”
- Modify the code to handle this new Registration Type.