Quarantine Order on License Plate

Quarantine Order on License Plate

Quarantine Order on License Plate

When you use license plates on your items, and you want to move some to quarantine warehouse, then you can quite easily do that with Mobile WMS.

Lets say you encounter a problem with e.g. packaging and you want to have this inspected. From the mobile device you actually have several options to locate the said items.

You can use:

  • License Plate Information
  • Locate Item
  • Location Content

The example below is from the license plate information menu.



The workflow guides you through the steps to create a quarantine order.


The quantity is not a subject matter because we move the whole license plate. 

If you just need a part of the quantity to be placed in quarantine you can start by moving that quantity to a new license plate and then create a quarantine order for that particular license plate. 

Finally capture one or more images to document the cause of action.