Pick from License Plates
Glenn Linaa
Pick from License Plates
When your items are setup to use license plates, you will need to specify the license plate during the picking process.
Stepping into the picking process we can see below two lines on a picking list. Both items are license plate controlled.
You can easily locate the items by clicking the context menu and select 'Locate item'.
When selecting the first line we enter the workflow of picking. Here we can see the first step is to scan the license plate.
Above the license plate has been scanned. Last step is to enter the quantity.
Then we make registrations for the second line.
We scan the same license plate as we have used on the first line. Last step is to enter the quantity.
Once we have posted, we can see the transactions in D365FO. For example we navigate the 'Sales Order/Sales Order Lines/Inventory/Transactions'.
Here we have a look at the transactions.