Setting Up Zebra Bluetooth DS3678 Scanner

Setting Up Zebra Bluetooth DS3678 Scanner


This page outlines the steps needed to set up a Zebra Bluetooth Scanner on for instance a Zebra ET50.

1. Prerequisites

Update the firmware on the DS3678 Scanner by following the below steps:

  1. Download 123Scan Utility from Zebra: https://www.zebra.com/us/en/support-downloads/software/utilities/123scan-utility.html
  2. Install the software
  3. Perform the update and see that you have the firmware listed in the After Update scenario below.

Before Update:

After Update:

2. Connect Scanner to Tablet

The datawedge only has support for a direct Bluetooth connection from the Scan handle. Even though there is a USB connection this is not supported by the data wedge.

To connect it to a device, do the following:

  1. If it is already connected, remove the Bluetooth connection from the connected Bluetooth devices in Android by going into Bluetooth and in the list finding and device and clicking on Forget
  2. Open the parring utility app on the Zebra Scanner (pre-installed). This will connect the scanner to the android device.  if the device does not connect when scanning the barcode the use the factory reset barcode in the Appendix section (bottom of this page).
  3. Make sure in the ScanParams in the data wedge that the Code Id Type is set to Aim
    1. Go into Datawedge App
    2. Click on MobileWMS profile
    3. Click Configure Scanner Settings
    4. Click Scan Params
    5. Verify that Code Id Type = Aim


Factory reset:


If the scanner disconnects every time it gets in the cradle:
