Create Pallets

Create Pallets

 Create Pallets

Available from Version 3.5 of Mobile WMS for Dynamics AX

Pallets are not available in Dynamics 365FO. Have a look at license plates instead.

The Mobile WMS application contains a function that allows you to create a new pallet in Dynamics AX. The function is useful in the scenario where pallet labels are generated and printed in large numbers in advance. At the time of printing the pallet ids are not registered in Dynamics AX. When a new pallet needs to be registered in Dynamics AX (e.g. when items arrive at the warehouse) then the warehouse worker will take one of the pre-printed labels and put it on the pallet. When the pallet is labelled the warehouse worker will use the ”Create Pallet” function on the mobile device to create the pallet ID in Dynamics AX. First a warehouse and a pallet type is chosen, following the workflow going through enter location, enter height and scan the pallet ID.


Workflow of create pallets.


Workflow of create pallets continued.

When you use pallets as a mean for transports in AX, you also use arrival journals to do the receiving of goods that use pallets. Using arrival journals ensures that you after registration and posting the journal you will automatically have pallet transports created from the AX. 

Typically you receive the goods in the inbound location and from there you will make a transport order to the final location in the warehouse. 

If your order quantity is greater than maximum quantity for a pallet, then AX automatically creates extra lines on the arrival journal to cover the quantity. 

Should you chose not to use the built in automatic creation of pallet transports, then we offer the ad hoc process unplanned move, described below in section 3 below here.