Add Barcode or Physical key Shortcuts

Add Barcode or Physical key Shortcuts


Physical keys

Many devices have function keys. Both devices with and without a physical keyboard.

They are added to devices to enable programs easy access to specific functions.

The ability to create a shortcut in Mobile WMS, is meant as a way to optimize work processes, help the user, and ultimately save time.

  • They are page specific
  • Can be used to open pages from the Main Menu page
  • And any action defined on a page - often visible in the blue menu 

Use barcode as trigger

You can even use scanning a specific barcode as a trigger for at shortcut.

For example: You could have a barcode for partially posting the order you are processing.

How to set it up

Creating shortcuts

The device used in this guide is the Honeywell EDA50K. It has two dedicated function keys, in the left hand side of the keypad, with the label P1 and P2.

The configuration is done in application.cfg for the page.
In this example, shortcuts are setup to trigger the Item Cross Reference action, and Post registrations.

<page id="Receive" type="OrderList" icon="mainmenureceive">
	<title defaultValue="@{PageReceiveOrderListTitle}" />
	<orderListConfiguration automaticOrderSelectionAfterFilter="true">
		<open id="ItemCrossReference" icon="mainmenuscaninfo" title="Add cross reference">
	<shortcuts shortcutGs1Ai="94">
		<shortcut action="post" keyLabel="P1" keyName="F1"/>
		<shortcut action="ItemCrossReference" keyLabel="P2" keyName="F2"/>

The three important attributes are action, keyLabel and keyName.

  • action - The action to perform. It can either be an action defined in the actions section or build in actions described later. If used on the Main Menu page, the action can also contain a name of a page to open.
  • keyLabel - The label visible to the user in parentheses to the right of the menu item. (See illustration above)
  • keyName - The actual value send to Mobile WMS when the button is pressed.

Built-in actions

You naturally use shortcuts to access the standard actions:

  • openListItem - Opens the currently select item in the list
  • post - Posts the order
  • unlock  - Unlocks the selected order
  • typeBarcode - Opens a text field where a barcode can be entered. This will act as a normal scan
  • update - Updates the list
  • openMenu - Opens the menu
  • postAll - Posts all orders

Finding the keyName

On the settings page in the application, there is a section regarding Keys.
Setting the "Show keypresses on settings page" to On, will display the actual value of a key send to Mobile WMS.
Press the function key, for which the shortcut should be enabled, and notice the value of the toast message (See illustration ).
The value presented is the keyName.

Creating a barcode to trigger a shortcut

When a shortcut is defined as described above, it can also be triggered from a barcode, configured in a specific way.

  • It needs to be a GS1 barcode.
  • The application identifier needs to match the one from the shortcutGs1Ai configuration. If none is set, the default is 94.
  • The keyName from the configuration needs to be prefixed with SC- (SC for ShortCut).

Example barcode for triggering the ItemCrossReference shortcut:

The barcode is a GS1 barcode wrapped in the DataMatrix format, containing (94)SC-F2.