I cannot change Lot number during Pick

I cannot change Lot number during Pick


You encounter the following error when attempting to select a different Lot no. than defined on the Line.

The entered Lot Number 'x' is not valid. The expected value is 'y'

Solution A: Change the warningType from Block to Warn

The warningtype can be one of the following:

  • None
    • Allow the user to enter a different value than the one suggested.

  • Warn
    • Warn the user if an other value than the suggested is entered. Allowing the user to change it by accepting the prompt.

  • Block
    • Do not allow the user to enter a different value than the suggested value.

Add the following attribute to the "Standard" workflow.


This will enable to using to change the Lot but receive a warning when doing so.

Use the "None" value if the warning should be omitted completely.

Solution B: Do not define a Lot No.

Instead of sending the mobile app a Lot no., send no value.

This will make the app allow different Lot numbers to be entered and the line split into several different picks.

How to enable

Modify object Codeunit 6181388 "MOB WMS Toolbox".

Comment out the following line.