Collector Step Date/DateTime

Collector Step Date/DateTime


The Date and DateTime steps are used for collecting dates, e.g. expiration or delivery dates - as well as a time for the DateTime step.

The user selects the date using a drop-down calendar

Date versus DateTime

The Date and DateTime steps are very similar and differ only in the data format they expect for input and return the collected value in.
Those formats are as follows:

  • Date: "dd-MM-yyyy"
  • DateTime: "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"

Mobile Configuration

The behaviour of the Date and DateTime steps can be controlled through these configuration parameters.

  • inputTypeDate

  • defaultValue: By supplying this value the pre-filled date can be controlled. If omitted the step will display the current date. It must be in a valid date format, i.e. match the expected format for the Date and DateTime steps respectively.
    From version 1.5.10 is is possible to leave the date field empty, forcing the user to select a date/datetime. This is done by blanking the default value as follows, defaultValue="".

  • minDate: The Registration Collector will only accept values on or after this date. By omitting this attribute the value will default to the minimum date defined by the operating system on the mobile device. Note, that this should also be Date-formatted on dateTime steps

  • maxDate: The Registration Collector will only accept values on or prior to this date. By omitting this attribute the value will default to the maximum date defined by the operating system on the mobile device. Note, that this should also be Date-formatted on dateTime steps

  • optional: From version 1.5.10 it is possible to set the Date and DateTime steps as optional, making the steps accept an empty value
  • format: N/A Legacy for Windows Mobile Embedded.

The configuration used to generate the above example is shown below. It does not make use of any restrictions.

<add id="30" name="registrationDateTime" header="Registration Collector - DateTime" label="Registration time:" minDate="01-01-2021" maxDate="31-12-2154" 
     helpLabel="Select the registration date and time." inputType="dateTime" defaultValue="09-02-2021 10:00:00"/>

Example of DateTime Step with dummy values

Example of the date picker