Receiving License Plate
  • Verified
  • Receiving License Plate


    Receive items directly into new License Plates.

    This functionality requires License Plating and physical containers like pallets or boxes where you organize multiple items.



    License Plates


    Feature Video

    The receive function receives items into one or more new License Plates.

    The key difference from the regular receiving flow is:

    • Printing License Plate labels beforehand

    • Scanning the label “pins” the current License Plate to the top of the screen, so it is remembered for all subsequent receive registrations


    Video: Receive a single order line into a single License Plate:




    1. Select “Receive” function, open an order

    2. Select “Print” action and “License Plate Label GS1 and physically place the label on the container
      Print label for the item (optional)

    3. Scan the label. Note how the License Plate number gets “pinned” to the top of the screen

    4. Perform line registration(s)

    5. Post the order




    A License Plate is identified by a barcode label

    These labels are to be physically placed on the containers used as License Plates.

    License Plates should always be handled by scanning License Plate labels.






    Feature Walkthrough

    Step 1 - Select an order from Receive function

    The “Receive” function is accessed from the main menu.

    Note: This flow focuses on receiving into License Plates.
    Please go to Receiving for full details on mobile filtering options, Business Central flow, and supported documents.


    Select an order quickly by:

    • scanning an item

    • scanning a document number

    You can also select an order manually and use filtering.

    Tip: Use the scanning function whenever possible.









    Step 2 - Print License Plate labels



    • Select “Print” from the Action Menu

    Tip: Print multiple labels in advance
    Instead of printing for each line, you can simply print a high number of labels in advance.
















    • Enter Number of Labels (number of plates you expect to be using)

    • Enter Number of Copies (container has multiple sides for labels)

    • Select Printer (only shown if multiple printers exist)


    • Physically place the label on the container.


    Step 3 - Scan the label and pin the value


    • Scan the label and pin the value to the top of the screen

    Note that “Active LP:” indicates the active License Plate and that it is remembered for all subsequent registrations.

    You can switch between different “Active LP” during the scanning process to support both parallel and sequential creation on new License Plates.






    Print label for the item (optional)


    Select an order line

    • Select “Print” from the Action Menu

    • Select an Item Label and complete the steps

    Repeat this before each line registration or skip this step if your items already have useable labels






    Step 4 - Perform line registration(s)

    You are now ready to receive each line item into the active License Plate.


    • Scan the item labels and complete all the line registrations

    • Physically place the item in the License Plate


    Step 5 - Post the order

    • Post the order when all lines have been registered.

    You can also incrementally use the action menu.









    Putting away License Plate