You can use the Mobile Document Queue List to handle and inspect failed mobile documents. |
Isolate for the right entry, using columns like Document Type, Registration Type or Status Filters
The Response XML contains both the Error message and Error call stack.
The beginning of the error call stack is where the process failed. This allows you to:
Isolate the source of the erroneous code
Identify where to set breakpoints for debugging, see
The call stack can point to non-MobileWMS extensions. Look for "ExtensionName by Publisher".
This points to an issue outside of Mobile WMS. In Example, the Error Call Stack points to the Extension ShipIT 365 by IDYN B.V.
You can copy these files to the ticket if you have an ongoing Service Desk ticket and have trouble pinpointing the root cause of the Error. |
Select Document > Show Request XML
Save the file
Select Document > Show Response XML
Save the file
You can reprocess failed mobile documents from the Mobile Document Queue List in Business Central.
This will show the error message on your screen.
Note: The code is executed in the context of the current user
Note: The code is executed in the context of the current user
Select Process > Process Document
When reprocessing fails, you will see the error on the screen.
More information is available in Copy details.
Select "Copy Details"
Paste the text to a text editor or an ongoing Service Desk ticket if you have trouble pinpointing the root cause of the Error.
The mobile app request is likely the most interesting for development. The request shows the values available.
Here are fields "MyDate", "MyText" available in a request for an Unplanned Function named "MyUnplanned".