Filter and reduce Order Lines by a scanned value.This article builds on the concept of Select Order Line by custom barcode
Used for custom barcodes (Non GS1), in special cases where a regular expression is needed to decipher the barcode.
1st step: Set up mobile config
Follow the setup on Select Order Line by custom barcode and define your regular expression for the Barcode converter.
You must register this mobile document type.
Use event OnAfterCreateDefaultDocumentTypes
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Setup Doc. Types", 'OnAfterCreateDefaultDocumentTypes', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnAfterCreateDefaultDocumentTypes()
MobWmsSetupDocTypes: Codeunit "MOB WMS Setup Doc. Types";
MobWmsSetupDocTypes.CreateDocumentTypeAndAddToMobileGroup('GetLineSelectionInformation', Codeunit::"MOB WMS Whse. Inquiry", 'WMS');
Remember to run Create Document Types from Mobile WMS Setup. Otherwise you will get this error.
3rd step:
Respond to the "GetLineSelectionInformation" request and return an Item no.
Adjust the code to your needs.
You are likely to decipher the "ScannedValue".
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Whse. Inquiry", 'OnWhseInquiryOnCustomDocumentTypeAsXml', '', true, true)]
procedure MyOnWhseInquiryOnCustomDocumentTypeAsXml(_DocumentType: Text; var _XMLRequestDoc: XmlDocument; var _XMLResponseDoc: XmlDocument; var _IsHandled: Boolean)
RequestValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element" temporary;
MobToolbox: Codeunit "MOB Toolbox";
MobXMLMgt: Codeunit "MOB XML Management";
RequestMgt: Codeunit "MOB NS Request Management";
XMLResponseData: XmlNode;
SerialNumberInformationNode: XmlNode;
ScannedValue: Text;
// Handle only "GetLineSelectionInformation"
if not (_DocumentType.Contains('GetLineSelectionInformation')) or _IsHandled then
// Save the incoming request values
RequestMgt.SaveAdhocFilters(_XMLRequestDoc, RequestValues);
// Get the request value of "SerialNumber" - we mapped the incoming barcode to this field
ScannedValue := RequestValues.GetValue('SerialNumber');
// Do you logic for Searching for the item
// Initialize the response document for order data
MobToolbox.InitializeResponseDoc(_XMLResponseDoc, XMLResponseData);
MobXMLMgt.AddElement(XMLResponseData, 'SerialNumberInformation', '', MobXMLMgt.NS_WHSEMODEL(), SerialNumberInformationNode);
// Respond with the Item, that the Scanned barcode represents
MobXMLMgt.AddElement(SerialNumberInformationNode, 'ItemNumber', GetItemFromBarcode(ScannedValue), MobXMLMgt.NS_WHSEMODEL(), SerialNumberInformationNode);
_IsHandled := true;
procedure GetItemFromBarcode(ScannedValue: Text): Code[20]
Item: Record Item;
// Please make your own logic to identify the Item from a barcode
Item.SetRange("Description 2", ScannedValue);
if Item.FindFirst() then