Filter and reduce Order Lines by a scanned value.This article builds on the concept of Select Order Line by custom barcode
Used for custom barcodes (Non GS1), in special cases where a regular expression is needed to decipher the barcode.
1st step: Set up mobile config
Follow the setup on Select Order Line by custom barcode and define your regular expression for the Barcode converter.
2nd step: Register "GetLineSelectionInformation"
You must register this mobile document type.
Use event OnAfterCreateDefaultDocumentTypes
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Setup Doc. Types", 'OnAfterCreateDefaultDocumentTypes', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnAfterCreateDefaultDocumentTypes()
MobWmsSetupDocTypes: Codeunit "MOB WMS Setup Doc. Types";
MobWmsSetupDocTypes.CreateDocumentTypeAndAddToMobileGroup('GetLineSelectionInformation', Codeunit::"MOB WMS Whse. Inquiry", 'WMS');
Remember to run Create Document Types from Mobile WMS Setup. Otherwise you will get this error.
3rd step: Respond with Item No.
Respond to the "GetLineSelectionInformation" request and return an Item no.
Adjust the code to your needs.
You are likely to decipher the "ScannedValue".
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Whse. Inquiry", 'OnWhseInquiryOnCustomDocumentTypeAsXml', '', true, true)]
procedure MyOnWhseInquiryOnCustomDocumentTypeAsXml(_DocumentType: Text; var _XMLRequestDoc: XmlDocument; var _XMLResponseDoc: XmlDocument; var _IsHandled: Boolean)
RequestValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element" temporary;
MobToolbox: Codeunit "MOB Toolbox";
MobXMLMgt: Codeunit "MOB XML Management";
RequestMgt: Codeunit "MOB NS Request Management";
XMLResponseData: XmlNode;
SerialNumberInformationNode: XmlNode;
ScannedValue: Text;
// Handle only "GetLineSelectionInformation"
if not (_DocumentType.Contains('GetLineSelectionInformation')) or _IsHandled then
// Save the incoming request values
RequestMgt.SaveAdhocFilters(_XMLRequestDoc, RequestValues);
// Get the request value of "SerialNumber" - we mapped the incoming barcode to this field
ScannedValue := RequestValues.GetValue('SerialNumber');
// Do you logic for Searching for the item
// Initialize the response document for order data
MobToolbox.InitializeResponseDoc(_XMLResponseDoc, XMLResponseData);
MobXMLMgt.AddElement(XMLResponseData, 'SerialNumberInformation', '', MobXMLMgt.NS_WHSEMODEL(), SerialNumberInformationNode);
// Respond with the Item, that the Scanned barcode represents
MobXMLMgt.AddElement(SerialNumberInformationNode, 'ItemNumber', GetItemFromBarcode(ScannedValue), MobXMLMgt.NS_WHSEMODEL(), SerialNumberInformationNode);
_IsHandled := true;
procedure GetItemFromBarcode(ScannedValue: Text): Code[20]
Item: Record Item;
// Please make your own logic to identify the Item from a barcode
Item.SetRange("Description 2", ScannedValue);
if Item.FindFirst() then