Use this event to
This event is for filtering Warehouse Shipments in the special lookup page "OnPostShipment". Do not confuse with the the Shipment OrderList page (described in GetShipOrders).
The event is triggered after filters have been applied to the Warehouse Shipment (when the record is read).
The Warehouse Shipment can be excluded from the response by setting the parameter _IncludeInLookup to false.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Lookup", 'OnLookupOnPostShipment_OnIncludeWarehouseShipment', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnLookupOnPostShipment_OnIncludeWarehouseShipment(_WhseShipmentHeader: Record "Warehouse Shipment Header"; var _IncludeInLookup: Boolean)
// [Example]: Do not include in lookup response if Customer is blocked
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Lookup", 'OnLookupOnPostShipment_OnIncludeWarehouseShipment', '', true, true)]
local procedure MyOnLookupOnPostShipment_OnIncludeWarehouseShipment(_WhseShipmentHeader: Record "Warehouse Shipment Header"; var _IncludeInLookup: Boolean)
WhseShipmentLine: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line";
SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header";
Customer: Record Customer;
// Loop lines
WhseShipmentLine.SetFilter("No.", _WhseShipmentHeader."No.");
if WhseShipmentLine.FindSet() then
if WhseShipmentLine."Source Document" = WhseShipmentLine."Source Document"::"Sales Order" then begin
SalesHeader.Get(WhseShipmentLine."Source Subtype", WhseShipmentLine."Source No.");
// Exclude the Shipment if Customer is blocked
if Customer.Get(SalesHeader."Sell-to Customer No.") and (Customer.Blocked in [Customer.Blocked::Ship, Customer.Blocked::All]) then
_IncludeInLookup := false;
until (WhseShipmentLine.Next() = 0) or not _IncludeInLookup;
Filter by label (Content by label) showLabels false showSpace false sort title title More examples excerptType simple cql label = "bc" and label = "lookup" and label = "onpostshipment" and label = "oninclude" and label = "example"