



The Mobile WMS app supports registering the picking of items in several different setups.


It is the configuration of the Location card that determines how the data is transferred to the mobile device.


Table of Contents





Sales orders

For customers with simple warehouse requirements and without using the warehouse module, the Mobile WMS app can integrate directly into sales orders in Business Central.
Sales orders will be available for Picking on the mobile device if:


  1. Create a shipment and add the relevant order lines to ship together
    The shipment can contain lines from many different sales orders based on criteria like customer, shipping agent, etc.

  2. Create one or more picks from the shipment
    1. The "Create Pick" function can be used
    2. The "Pick Worksheet" can be used to generate the pick orders based on criteria like customer, zone, etc.

  3. Picks are handled on mobile

  4. When everything is picked the shipment is posted using:
    1. Using Shipping 
    2. Using Post Shipment
    3. Using Tote Shipping
    4. Using Pack & Ship
    5. Manually in Business Central This typically includes printing the delivery documents and booking a shipping agent


Note: It is possible to register more than one bin. The quantity for each bin is registered. When the registrations are posted in Business Central the line is automatically split. 

Take Bin Calculation

Picking directly on sales orders, transfer orders or purchase return orders, take bin is selected by this priority:

  1. Item Availablity - where can the full quantity be picked
  2. Bin Ranking is respected

This can override the order line take bin selection.

Picking according to FIFO & FEFO

The picking instruction used in Mobile WMS is based on what is configured and set up in Business Central.

In Business Central, some configurations can enable the FEFO strategy, but FIFO is not a standard functionality.

  • Please refer to your Tasklet Partner for further clarification if you wish to clarify possible picking strategies.

See also: MS Learn on FEFO Setup


Registering Lot numbers
The Lot number tracking works the same way as for Receiving orders.

Registering expiration dates
Expiration dates are not registered on pick orders. Only the Lot or serial numbers are registered (they contain the expiration date information)

Register serial numbers

The serial number tracking works the same way as for Receiving orders.

Registering the quantity
The quantity registrations works the same way as for Receiving orders.

Menu options
The menu options are the same as for Receiving orders.

Posting the order
When the order lines have been handled the user activates the "Post" menu item and the registrations are sent to Business Central.


Installing Mobile WMS Extension (1/3)Shipping