Info | ||
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Excerpt |
Interrupts posting in Pick and adds an extra Header (ImageCapture) Step. |
- Adds an extra ImageCapture step during posting of a pick.
- The collected image is then saved in Mob Wms Media Queue.
- In the Mobile Document Queue List, a PostMedia Request will appear after adding the Header Steps - for these examplesin this case, after PostPickOrder or PostAdHocRegistration.
Behaviour on the device
To collect an Image in the step, the user will need to use the plus sign (+) to take a picture and add an optional note before posting.
The following examples are example is made for an unplanned (Adjust Quantity) and a planned step (Pick function), respectively.
: Add header ImageCapture step for Planned function (Pick)
Step 1.1 - Create an header step
Use OnPostPickOrder_OnAddStepsToWarehouseActivityHeader to add an ImageCapture step:
// Create an ImageCapture header step that interrupts the posting of a pick.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Pick", 'OnPostPickOrder_OnAddStepsToWarehouseActivityHeader', '', true, true)]
localprocedure MyOnPostPickOrder_OnAddStepsToWarehouseActivityHeader(var _OrderValues: Record"MOB Common Element"; _WhseActivityHeader: Record"Warehouse Activity Header"; var _StepsElement: Record"MOB Steps Element")
//Already collected, break to avoid adding the same new step indefinitely
if _OrderValues.HasValue('ImageCapture') then
_StepsElement.Create_ImageCaptureStep(5010000, 'ImageCapture', 'Take a Picture');
_StepsElement.Set_helpLabel('Take a picture of the item');
Step 1.2 - Handle the header step
// Handle the step, saving the values in the Mob Wms Media queue.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Pick", 'OnPostPickOrder_OnBeforePostWarehouseActivityOrder', '', true, true)]
localprocedure OnPostPickOrder_OnBeforePostWarehouseActivityOrder(var _OrderValues: Record"MOB Common Element"; var _WhseActivityHeader: Record"Warehouse Activity Header")
MobWmsLanguage: Codeunit"MOB WMS Language";
MobMedia: Codeunit"MOB WMS Media";
ImageIdsAndNotes: Text;
ImageIdsAndNotes:=_OrderValues.GetValue('ImageCapture', true);
if ImageIdsAndNotes =''then
Example 1: ImageCapture Step in Pick
Example 1: The picture and note were saved in Mob Wms Media Queue
Example 2: Add header ImageCapture step for Unplanned function (Adjust Quantity)
//Step 1: Create a simple ImageCapture header step
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnPostAdhocRegistration_OnAddSteps', '', true, true)]
localprocedure MyOnPostAdhocRegistration_OnAddSteps(_RegistrationType: Text; var _RequestValues: Record"MOB NS Request Element"; var _Steps: Record"MOB Steps Element"; var _RegistrationTypeTracking: Text)
MobWmsToolbox: Codeunit"MOB WMS Toolbox";
if _RegistrationType <> MobWmsToolbox."CONST::AdjustQuantity"() then
exit; //Already collected, break to avoid adding the same new step indefinitely
if _RequestValues.HasValue('ImageCapture') then
_Steps.Create_ImageCaptureStep(10000, 'ImageCapture');
_Steps.Set_helpLabel('Take a picture of the item');
Step 2.2 - Handle the header step
Example 2: ImageCapture Step in Adjust Quantity
Example 2: The picture and note were saved in Mob Wms Media Queue
See also
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