Use this event to
Excerpt |
TODOAdd steps to be displayed at the mobile device when collecting values for each license plate. |
Overwrite the standard handling of collected step values of a Registration for a License Plate. |
- Modify how collected step values (i.e. Package Type, Weight, Length), are transferred to the "License Plate" record
- The setup of "Shipping Agent" and "Mobile WMS Package Types" defines these steps
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Pack Lookup", 'OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnPackagesToShip_OnBeforeUpdateLicensePlate', '', false, false)]
localprocedure OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnPackagesToShip_OnBeforeUpdateLicensePlate(var _RequestValues: Record"MOB NS Request Element"; var _IsHandled: Boolean);