Use this event to
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Add steps to be displayed at the mobile device when collecting values for each individual document line. |
This is unlike steps at header level, that allows steps to be declared directly in the OnGetPutAwayOrderLines_OnAddStepsToWarehouseActivityHeader event.
- Use OnGetReferenceData_OnAddRegistrationCollectorConfiguration To to define a Collector configuration key.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Put Away", 'OnGetPutAwayOrderLines_OnAddStepsToWarehouseActivityLine', '', true, true)]
procedure OnGetPutAwayOrderLines_OnAddStepsToWarehouseActivityLine(var _BaseOrderLineElement: Record "MOB NS BaseDataModel Element"; _WhseActivityLine: Record "Warehouse Activity Line")
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||||||