Use this event to
*) Currently the Windows Mobile App and Android Mobile App supports only one (custom) referenced key per Order Line, meaning only one customization may subscribe to this event at any time. This single one subscriber must set a Key that includes all steps for all other intended subscribers as well. This can only be done by knowing other customizations are in place and manually create a new RegistrationCollectorConfigurationKey that includes all steps (this will improve in a future version).
// [Template]
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS ReceiveMOB WMS Put Away", 'OnGetReceiveOrderLinesOnGetPutAwayOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyLineOnAddStepsToWarehouseActivityLine', '', true, true)]
procedure OnGetReceiveOrderLines OnGetPutAwayOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyLineOnAddStepsToWarehouseActivityLine(var _RecRefBaseOrderLineElement: RecordRefRecord "MOB NS BaseDataModel Element"; var _BaseOrderLineElementWhseActivityLine: Record "MOB Ns BaseDataModel ElementWarehouse Activity Line")
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