Make sure relevant Warehouse/Inventory Put-away exists for the selected Location.
process of creating Warehouse Put-aways
There are two types of Put-away documents.
- Warehouse Put-away
- and Inventory Put-away
The most common set up setup is to use "advanced warehousing" aka the "Warehouse" documents.
This might not be your setup. See Location setup for details.
Steps to create Warehouse Put-away from Warehouse Receipt
- Post the Warehouse Receipt from BC or mobile device.
- This initiate the creation of the Put-away when Put-away is enabled on the Location card.
In BC/NAV you will see the following message:
"Number of source documents posted: 1 out of a total of 1. Number of put-away activities created: 1."
2: You can now see the Put-away document on the Mobile Device.
Steps to create Inventory Put-away from Purchase Order
- Release a Sales order with lines for the relevant Location
- Create a Warehouse Shipment from the Sales Order
- Release the Warehouse Shipment
- Create Warehouse Pick from the Warehouse Shipment
- You can now see the Pick document on the Mobile Device
- Post the Warehouse Receipt from BC or mobile device.
- The Warehouse Shipment will now have "Document status" = "Completely picked" (Fig.1)
- You can now finalize the Warehouse Shipment and post it, thus completing the Shipping and optionally Invoicing.