It is possible to have the Android application download localized labels and messages from the backend, i.e. AX/NAV. It /BC,
The mobile app will automatically detect if when it is necessary to download these labels based on a couple of "configuration" elements part of reference data.
- Mobile WMS extension v4.38
- The two "UserLanguageCustomizationVersion" and "UserLanguage "elements must be present in Reference Data
- Labels i mobile configuration must rewritten as "@{MyLabel}" in order to trigger translation
The mobile app will automatically detect when it is necessary to download labels:
- If for example @{Mylabel} does not exist in mobile app own translation files, then a "GetLocalizationData" request is made
- If "Mylabel" is present in the response, that value is used
Requirements of GetReferenceData response
In order for this mechanism to work, two "configuration" elements must be part of the the GetReferenceData response.
- UserLanguage
- string, e.g. "ENU" or "DAN"
- UserLanguageCustomizationVersion (new)
- string, e.g. "v1", a date timestamp or something else entirely